Sun Cluster 3.1 Data Service for Samba

How to Verify the Installation and Configuration of Samba

Use this procedure to verify the installation and configuration. This procedure does not verify that your application is highly available because you have not yet installed your data service.

Note –

Before verifying the Installation and Configuration of Samba, ensure that the Logical Hostname for the Samba is available. To do this you will need to complete steps 4, 6 and 7 in How to Register and Configure Sun Cluster HA for Samba as a Failover Service.

  1. Test the smb.conf file

    1. Test the Samba smb.conf file

      # <samba-bin-directory>/testparm  \
    2. Test the Winbind smb.conf file (if required)

      # <samba-bin-directory>/testparm  \
  2. If configured as an NT Domain Member, join the domain

    # <samba-bin-directory>/smbpasswd  \
     -c <samba-config-directory>/lib/smb.conf  \
     -j <DOMAIN> -r <PDC > \
     -U <Administrator on the PDC>

    If successful, you will receive the following message.

    # smbpasswd: Joined domain <DOMAIN>
  3. Start the Samba daemons

    Note –

    Depending on how Samba was installed, the smbd and nmbd programs maybe located within the <samba-bin-directory> or <samba-sbin-directory>

    # <samba-[s]bin-directory>/smbd -s <samba-config-directory>/lib/smb.conf -D
    # <samba-[s]bin-directory>/nmbd -s <samba-config-directory>/lib/smb.conf -D
  4. Connect to Samba

    # <samba-bin-directory>/smbclient -N -L <NetBIOS-name>
    # <samba-bin-directory>/smbclient '\\<NetBIOS-name>\scmondir'  \
     -U <fmuser> -c 'pwd;exit' 

    Note –

    Be aware that the single quotes are required on the last command.

  5. Start the Winbind daemon (if required)

    Note –

    Depending on how Samba was installed, the winbind program maybe located within the <samba-bin-directory> or <samba-sbin-directory>

    # <samba-[s]bin-directory>/winbindd -s <winbind-configuration-directory>/lib/smb.conf  &
  6. Connect to Winbind (if required)

    # getent passwd
    # getent group
  7. Stop the Samba daemons and winbindd (if required)

    # pkill -TERM smbd
    # pkill -TERM nmbd
    # pkill -TERM winbindd