Sun Cluster 3.1 Data Service for DHCP

Installing and Configuring DHCP

This section contains the procedures you need to install and configure DHCP.

How to Install and Configure DHCP

Use this procedure to install and configure DHCP.

  1. Install the following packages from the Solaris CD

    • SUNWdhcsu

    • SUNWdhcsb

    • SUNWdhcm

  2. Mount DHCP Cluster File Systems – You must ensure that the Cluster File System for the DHCP network table is mounted.

    Note –

    If a Failover File System is used by the DHCP network table, you must mount this manually.

  3. Install the required DHCP patches — Refer back to the Configuration Requirements for a list of patches that need to be installed.

  4. Run the following commands to configure DHCP –

    # /usr/sadm/admin/bin/dhcpmgr
    • Choose Configure as DHCP Server

    • Choose Text files or Binary files

    • Enter a path for the DHCP network table

    • Choose which name services should be used to store host records

    • Choose Length of Lease and if clients can renew their leases

    • If used, supply a DNS configuration for the DHCP client of this server

    • Add which network and network mask should provide ip-addresses

    • Choose LAN as Network Type

    • If used, supply a NIS configuration for the DHCP clients of this server

    • If used, supply a NIS+ configuration for the DHCP clients of this server

    • Create your addresses and macros

  5. Check /etc/inet/dhcpsvc.conf – has the following parameters defined.

    • DAEMON_ENABLED should always be true

    • PATH should point to a Cluster File System

    • RUN_MODE should always be SERVER

    • RESOURCE is set to either SUNWbinfiles or SUNWfiles

  6. Make sure /etc/inet/dhcpsvc.conf is consistent – on all nodes within Sun Cluster that will host the DHCP service

    This can be done by either

    • Copying /etc/inet/dhcpsvc.conf onto each node with Sun Cluster

    • Move your edited dhcpsvc.conf to your Cluster File System and create a symbolic link from /etc/inet/dhcpsvc.conf to dhcpsvc.conf within the Cluster File System.

  7. Ensure that DHCP is stopped on all nodes

    # /etc/rc2.d/K21dhcp stop
  8. Disable DHCP startup on boot on all nodes

    # rm /etc/rc3.d/S34dhcp