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Sun ONE Web Server 6.1 Performance Tuning, Sizing, and Scaling Guide

A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z



about this guide  1

audience  1

contents  1

conventions  1

acceptor threads  1

AcceptTimeout directive  1

access time updates  1

ACL cache

tuning  1

acl-bucket  1

ACLCacheLifetime  1

ACLGroupCacheSize  1

ACLUserCacheSize  1, 2

activating statistics

from the Server Manager  1

with stats-xml  1

AddLog  1

Administration interface

more information about  1

assign-name  1



tuning Solaris for  1

buckets, performance  1

buffer size, tuning  1

busy functions  1


cache information  1

cache not utilized  1

cache, DNS  1

CacheEntries  1, 2

CacheHits  1

CacheLookups  1, 2

caching, servlet/JSP  1

cgi-bucket  1

CGIStub processes  1

CGIExpirationTimeout  1

CGIStubIdleTimeout  1

MaxCGIStubs  1

MinCGIStubs  1

check-acl SAF  1

class reloading, configuring  1

class-loader  1

classpath elements  1

classpath, directories in  1

classpathprefix  1

classpathsuffix  1

common performance problems  1

connection handling  1

connection pooling, JDBC  1

configuring  1

connection queue information  1

connection refused errors  1

connection timeout, tuning  1

connection timeouts  1

connections  1

closed  1

settings in magnus.conf  1

simultaneous via RqThrottle parameter  1

connectionvalidationmethod  1

connectionvalidationrequired  1

content_length  1

crontab -e sys command  1

CurrentCacheEntries  1


default-bucket  1

defaultvs  1

determining requirements  1

directives, performance-related  1

directories in the classpath  1

DNS cache information  1

documentation, Web Server  1

drive space

sizing issues  1

dynamic control and monitoring

NSFC file cache  1

dynamicreloadinterval  1


failallconnections  1

file cache

configuring  1

flags for ?list option  1

low hit rate with custom NSAPI functions  1

magnus.conf directives  1

monitoring via statistics  1

NSFC, dynamic control and monitoring  1

obj.conf object for monitoring  1

problems, cache not utilized  1

tuning  1

virtual memory  1

file descriptor limits  1

file system tuning, Solaris  1

file-bucket  1

FileCacheEnable  1

find-pathinfo  1

find-pathinfo-forward  1

flushed keep-alive connections  1

func_insert  1


hardware virtual servers  1

high file system page-in rate  1

hit ratio  1, 2

HitRatio  1

HotSpot VM performance FAQ  1

HTTP/1.0-style workload  1

HTTP/1.1-style workload  1


Idle  1

idletimeout  1

improving application performance  1


multi-process mode  1


parameters  1

iostat utility  1

iostat -x 60 command  1

isolationlevelguaranteed  1


Java heap tuning  1

Java HotSpot VM  1

Java Security Manager, configuring  1

Java VM heap space  1

Java web applications, tuning performance  1

java.lang.OutOfMemoryError  1

JDBC connection pool attributes

connectionvalidationmethod  1

connectionvalidationrequired  1

failallconnections  1

idletimeout  1

isolationlevelguaranteed  1

maxpoolsize  1

maxwaittime  1

name  1

poolresizequantity  1

steadypoolsize  1

transactionisolationlevel  1

validationtablename  1

JDBC connection pooling

advantages of  1

configuring  1

improving application performance  1


jsp-config  1


KeepAlive connections

about  1

keep-alive connections

flushed  1

keep-alive information  1

KeepAliveCount  1, 2

KeepAliveFlushes  1, 2

KeepAliveHits  1, 2

KeepAliveMaxCount  1

KeepAliveQueryMaxSleepTime  1

KeepAliveQueryMeanTime  1

KeepAliveRefusals  1

KeepAliveThreads  1, 2

KeepAliveTimeout  1, 2, 3

KeepAliveTimeouts  1



enabling via magnus.conf  1

library configuration  1

plugin  1

sample  1

using  1

listen socket

default virtual server  1

statistics  1

ListenQ  1, 2, 3, 4, 5

load balancing, libloadbal plugin  1

load balancing, using  1

load-modules  1

log file modes  1

verbose  1

LogVerbose  1, 2, 3, 4

long service times  1

low-memory problems  1


Magnus Editor, using to tune  1


ACLUserCacheSize  1

activating statistics  1

directives, performance-related  1

enabling libloadbal  1

file cache directives, using  1

init-cgi, multi-process mode  1

listen queue  1, 2, 3, 4

simultaneous connections via RqThrottle  1

manager-properties properties  1

MaxCacheEntries  1

MaxKeepAlive  1

MaxKeepAliveConnections  1, 2, 3

maxLocks, tuning  1

maxpoolsize  1

MaxProcs  1, 2

maxSessions  1

maxwaittime  1


sizing issues  1

memory requirements  1

MinCGIStubs  1

miscellaneous issues  1

MMapSessionManager, tuning  1


log file  1

multi-process  1

single-process  1

monitoring server performance

overview  1

using perfdump  1

using performance buckets  1

using stats-xml  1

using the Server Manager  1

monitoring statistics  1

SE toolkit  1

mpstat 60 command  1

multi-process mode  1, 2

multi-thread mode  1


NameTrans  1, 2

native threads pool  1

NativePool  1

NativePoolMaxThreads  1, 2, 3, 4

NativePoolMinThreads  1

NativePoolQueueSize  1, 2

NativePoolStackSize  1

NativeThread  1

netstat -i 60  1

netstat -s command  1


sizing issues  1

nocache parameter  1

nostat  1

NSFC file cache

dynamic control and monitoring  1


file cache settings  1

nsfc.conf settings  1


NSServletService  1

ntrans-base  1



activating statistics  1

object for monitoring the NSFC file cache  1

perfdump utility  1

performance buckets  1

performance-related parameters  1

timeout period  1



PathCheck  1, 2, 3

peak concurrent users  1


about  1

installing  1

performance buckets  1

sample output  1

statistics monitored  1

using to monitor server activity  1


buckets  1

issues  1

monitoring tools  1

overview  1

problems  1

studies  1

tuning  1

performance buckets

configuration of  1

defining in magnus.conf  1

information in perfdump  1

performance report  1

using to monitor activity  1

performance monitoring, Solaris-specific  1

performance report

performance buckets  1

persistence-type  1, 2

persistent connection information  1

persistent connections  1

pfx2dir  1

PHP scalability tests  1

platform-specific issues  1

poll interval  1

pool, native threads  1

poolresizequantity  1

PR_GetFileInfo  1

PR_TransmitFile  1

precompiled JSPs  1


common  1

connection timeouts  1

KeepAlive connections flushed  1

log file modes  1

low memory  1

under-throttled server  1

process modes  1

processes  1

settings in magnus.conf  1


sizing issues  1

product support  1

profiling  1


quality of service (QOS) features  1, 2

queue, peak work  1


ratio, hit  1

RcvBufSize  1

reapIntervalSeconds  1

refresh  1

reload-interval  1

restart  1

rlim_fd_cur  1

rlim_fd_max  1

RqThrottle  1, 2, 3, 4

NativePoolQueueSize  1

simultaneous connections  1


scalability studies  1

scaling your server  1

SE toolkit  1

segmap_percent  1

send-cgi  1


nocache parameter  1

serverclasspath  1

Service  1, 2

servlet/JSP caching  1

session creation information  1

session settings, web application  1

session-properties  1

single-process mode  1

sizing your server  1

SndBufSize  1


file system tuning  1

platform-specific issues  1

tuning for performance benchmarking  1

Solaris-specific performance monitoring  1

long-term system monitoring  1

SE toolkit  1

short-term system monitoring  1

solutions to common problems  1

sq_max_size  1, 2

SSL test  1, 2, 3, 4

static test  1, 2


accessing  1

activating  1

busy function  1

cache information  1

connection queue  1

file cache, monitoring  1

hit ratio  1

how to activate  1

listen socket information  1

monitoring  1, 2

nocache parameter  1

performance buckets  1

poll interval  1

types monitored by perfdump  1

viewing  1, 2

virtual server  1

stats-init  1

stats-xml  1

activating statistics  1

steadypoolsize  1

studies  1

general conclusions  1

goals  1

nsfc.conf settings  1

results  1

system configuration  1

tuned server settings  1

Web Server configuration  1

Support  1


TCP buffering, tuning  1

tcp_close_wait_interval  1

tcp_conn_req_max_q  1, 2

tcp_conn_req_max_q0  1, 2

tcp_ip_abort_interval  1

tcp_keepalive_interval  1

tcp_recv_hiwat  1

tcp_rexmit_interval_initial  1

tcp_rexmit_interval_max  1

tcp_rexmit_interval_min  1

tcp_slow_start_initial  1

tcp_smallest_anon_port  1

tcp_time_wait_interval  1

tcp_xmit_hiwat  1

tcpHalfOpenDrop  1

tcpListenDrop  1

tcpListenDropQ0  1

test results  1

thread pools  1

thread POOLS, native  1

threads  1

acceptor  1

multi-process mode  1

settings in magnus.conf  1


general  1

platform-specific  1

transactionisolationlevel  1

tuning maxLocks  1

tuning MMapSessionManager  1

tuning rules, keep-alive subsystem  1

tuning TCP buffering  1

tuning the file cache  1

tuning the Web Server  1

ACL user cache  1

Java web applications performance  1

the file cache  1

threads, processes, and connections  1

using statistics  1

tuning tips

general  1

platform-specific  1


UFS  1

under-throttled server  1

UNIX file system  1

update-interval  1

UseNativePoll  1

using Java heap tuning  1

using statistics to tune your server  1


validationtablename  1

viewing statistics  1, 2

virtual memory

file cache  1

virtual servers  1

default  1

hardware/software  1

listen sockets  1

monitoring statistics  1

performance  1

vmstat 60 command  1


WASP servlet test  1

web application session settings  1

web applications, tuning performance  1

work queue

length  1

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