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Sun ONE Application Server 7 Administrator's Configuration File Reference

A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z



accept-language attribute  1, 2

acceptor-threads attribute  1


access log file  1

accesslog variable  1

acl element  1

ACL file  1, 2

default  1

init.conf directives for  1

ACL files  1

ACLCacheLifetime init.conf directive  1

ACLGroupCacheSize init.conf directive  1

acls attribute  1

ACLUserCacheSize init.conf directive  1

address attribute  1, 2

admin-password attribute  1

admin-service element  1

admin-user-name attribute  1

alphabetical reference

init.conf directives  1

server.xml elements  1

anonymous-role attribute  1

append-version property  1

application-root attribute  1


configuration of  1

location  1

applications element  1

assign-groups property  1

AsyncDNS init.conf directive  1

attributes, about  1

audit-enabled attribute  1

auth-db element  1

auth-realm element  1

automatic-recovery attribute  1


bandwidth-limit attribute  1

basedn attribute  1

base-dn property  1

binddn property  1

bindpw property  1

blocking-enabled attribute  1

bytecode-preprocessors attribute  1


cache  1

CacheFileContent parameter  1

cache-idle-timeout-in-seconds attribute  1

cache-resize-quantity attribute  1

certificates  1

settings in init.conf  1

certmaps attribute  1

cert-nickname attribute  1


settings in init.conf  1

variables for  1

CGIExpirationTimeout init.conf directive  1

CGIStubIdleTimeout init.conf directive  1

ChildRestartCallback init.conf directive  1

chroot variable  1

chunked encoding  1

ChunkedRequestBufferSize init.conf directive  1

ChunkedRequestTimeout init.conf directive  1

class-name attribute  1

classname attribute  1

classpath attribute  1, 2

classpath-prefix attribute  1

classpath-suffix attribute  1

client-auth-enabled attribute  1

CMP  1

cmt-max-runtime-exceptions property  1

commit-option attribute  1

config directory, location  1

config-file attribute  1, 2

configuration files  1

manually editing  1

configuration, dynamic  1

connection-limit attribute  1

connections, settings in init.conf  1

connection-validation-method attribute  1

connector-module element  1

ConnQueueSize init.conf directive  1

console, Windows  1

container-managed persistence  1

context-root attribute  1

convergence tree

auxiliary class inetSubscriber  1

in LDAP schema  1

organization of  1

user entries are called inetOrgPerson  1

CopyFiles parameter  1

create-console attribute  1

custom-resource element  1


database attribute  1

database selection  1, 2

databaseName property  1

datasource-classname attribute  1

datasourceName property  1

dbswitch.conf file  1, 2, 3

dcsuffix property  1

debug attribute  1

debug-enabled attribute  1

debug-options attribute  1

default virtual server

for an http-listener element  1

for the entire server  1

default-object attribute  1, 2

default-principal attribute  1

default-principal-password attribute  1

default-realm attribute  1

default-virtual-server attribute  1

default-web-module attribute  1

deployment descriptors  1

description element  1

description property  1

digestauth property  1

dir variable  1

directory property  1

disable-distributed-transaction-logging property  1

DNS init.conf directive  1

docroot variable  1

domain component tree (dc)  1


dynamic reconfiguration  1

dynamic-reload-enabled attribute  1

dynamic-reload-poll-interval-in-seconds attribute  1

dyngroups property  1


echo-log-messages-to-stderr attribute  1

ejb-container element  1

ejb-module element  1

enc parameter  1

encoding, chunked  1

enforce-bandwidth-limit attribute  1

enforce-connection-limit attribute  1

env-classpath-ignored attribute  1

ErrorLogDateFormat init.conf directive  1

external-jndi-resource element  1


factory-class attribute  1, 2, 3

fail-all-connections attribute  1

family attribute  1

file attribute  1

for acl element  1

for mime element  1

file cache  1

file name extensions, MIME types  1

file property  1

FileCacheEnable parameter  1

files, mapping types of  1

formats, time  1

from attribute  1


group variable  1

group-base-dn property  1

group-search-filter property  1

group-target property  1


HashInitSize parameter  1

HeaderBufferSize init.conf directive  1

heuristic-decision attribute  1

host attribute  1

hosts attribute  1

checking against subject pattern  1

HTTP listen socket  1

HTTP requests, processing  1

http-listener element  1

http-listeners attribute  1

http-qos element  1

http-service element  1

HTTPVersion init.conf directive  1

HUP signal

PidLog and  1


id attribute

for acl element  1

for auth-db element  1

for http-listener element  1, 2

for mime element  1

for virtual-server element  1

for virtual-server-class element  1

id variable  1

idle-thread-timeout-in-seconds attribute  1

idle-timeout-in-seconds attribute  1, 2

IIOP listen socket  1

iiop-listener element  1

definition in sun-server_1_0.dtd file  1

iiop-service element  1

imqBrokerHostName property  1

imqBrokerHostPort property  1

imqConfiguredClientID property  1

imqDestinationName property  1

inetOrgPerson in convergence tree  1

Init functions  1

init.conf file  1, 2

alphabetical list of directives  1

initialization settings  1, 2

init-timeout-in-seconds attribute  1

instance-name property  1

instance-name-suffix property  1

IOTimeout init.conf directive  1

is-connection-validation-required attribute  1

is-failure-fatal attribute  1

is-isolation-level-guaranteed attribute  1


j2ee-application element  1

J2SE policy file  1


jaas-context property  1








java-config element  1

javac-options attribute  1

java-home attribute  1

JavaMail  1

JDBC connection pool  1

JDBC resource  1

jdbc-connection-pool element  1

jdbc-resource element  1

jdbc-resource-jndi-name attribute  1

JMS  1, 2

jms-resource element  1

jms-service element  1


jndi-lookup-name attribute  1

jndi-name attribute

for custom-resource element  1

for external-jndi-resource element  1

for jdbc-resource element  1

for jms-resource element  1

for mail-resource element  1

for persistence-manager-factory-resource element  1

JPDA debugging options  1

JTS  1

JVM  1

adding options to the server  1

jvm-options element  1


KeepAliveThreads init.conf directive  1

KeepAliveTimeout init.conf directive  1

KernelThreads init.conf directive  1

keypoint-interval attribute  1


lang parameter  1

LDAP  1, 2, 3

specifying which certificate mapping to use  1

Sun ONE schema  1

level attribute  1

lifecycle-module element  1


listen socket  1, 2

ListenQ init.conf directive  1

load-order attribute  1

locale attribute  1

location attribute  1, 2, 3, 4

log-file attribute  1

LogFlushInterval init.conf directive  1


settings in init.conf  1

settings in server.xml  1

log-level attribute  1

log-root attribute  1

log-service element  1

log-stderr attribute  1

log-stdout attribute  1

log-virtual-server-id attribute  1


mail-resource element  1

MaxAge parameter  1

max-cache-size attribute  1

MaxCGIStubs init.conf directive  1

max-connections attribute  1

MaxFiles parameter  1

MaxKeepAliveConnections init.conf directive  1

max-pool-size attribute  1, 2, 3

MaxRqHeaders init.conf directive  1

max-thread-pool-size attribute  1

max-wait-time-in-millis attribute  1

mdb-container element  1

MediumFileSizeLimit parameter  1

MediumFileSpace parameter  1

message-driven beans  1

message-fragment-size attribute  1

mime attribute  1

mime element  1

MIME types  1

mime.types file

default  1

overview of  1

sample of  1

server.xml element referencing  1

syntax  1

MinCGIStubs init.conf directive  1

monitoring-enabled attribute  1, 2, 3, 4, 5


name attribute

for auth-realm element  1

for connector-module element  1

for ejb-module element  1

for j2ee-application element  1

for jdbc-connection-pool element  1

for lifecycle-module element  1

for profiler element  1

for property element  1

for server element  1

for web-module element  1

native library path, configuring  1

native thread pools, settings in init.conf  1

native-library-path attribute  1

native-library-path-prefix attribute  1

native-library-path-suffix attribute  1

NativePoolMaxThreads init.conf directive  1

NativePoolMinThreads init.conf directive  1

NativePoolQueueSize init.conf directive  1

NativePoolStackSize init.conf directive  1

NetSiteRoot init.conf directive  1

networkProtocol property  1

nice variable  1

nsessions property  1

nsfc.conf file  1


obj.conf file  1, 2

and virtual servers  1

oracle-xa-recovery-workaround property  1

orb element  1



SSL key database  1

password property  1

password.conf file  1

persistence-manager-factory-resource element  1

PidLog init.conf directive  1

policy file  1

pool-idle-timeout-in-seconds attribute  1

pool-name attribute  1

pool-resize-quantity attribute  1, 2, 3

port attribute  1, 2, 3

port property  1

PostThreadsEarly init.conf directive  1

processes, settings in init.conf  1

profiler element  1

properties, about  1

property element  1


quality of service  1


RcvBufSize init.conf directive  1

realm configuration  1

reconnect-delay-in-seconds property  1

reconnect-enabled property  1

reconnect-max-retries property  1

ReentrantTimeFunctions init.conf directive  1

removal-timeout-in-seconds attribute  1

request-handling process  1

request-response process  1

requirement rules  1

resource adapters  1

resources element  1

res-type attribute  1, 2, 3, 4

rmic-options attribute  1

roleName property  1

RqThrottle init.conf directive  1

RqThrottleMin init.conf directive  1


search-bind-dn property  1

search-bind-password property  1

search-filter property  1


security  1

of listen sockets  1, 2

realm configuration  1

settings in init.conf  1

Security init.conf directive  1

security-enabled attribute  1

security-service element  1

send-cgi function, variables for  1


basic operation  1

HUP signal  1

init.conf directives that configure  1

initialization directives in init.conf  1

killing process of  1

modifying  1

TERM signal  1

server element  1

server log file  1

location  1, 2

server.policy file  1

server.xml file  1

elements in  1

alphabetical list  1

example of  1

location  1

server-classpath attribute  1

server-instance element  1

server-name attribute  1

serverName property  1

session-store attribute  1

single sign-on  1

SmallFileSizeLimit parameter  1

SmallFileSpace parameter  1

SndBufSize init.conf directive  1


configuring  1

settings in init.conf  1

ssl element  1

SSL key database password  1

ssl2-ciphers attribute  1

ssl2-enabled attribute  1

SSL3 client authentication  1

ssl3-enabled attribute  1

SSL3SessionTimeout init.conf directive  1

ssl3-tls-ciphers attribute  1

SSLCacheEntries init.conf directive  1

SSLClientAuthDataLimit init.conf directive  1

SSLClientAuthTimeout init.conf directive  1

ssl-client-config element  1

SSLSessionTimeout init.conf directive  1

sso-enabled property  1

sso-max-inactive-seconds property  1

sso-reap-interval-seconds property  1

StackSize init.conf directive  1

start-args attribute  1

state attribute  1

stderr output  1

stdout output  1

steady-pool-size attribute  1, 2, 3

steady-thread-pool-size attribute  1

store-protocol attribute  1

store-protocol-class attribute  1

StrictHttpHeaders init.conf directive  1

subelements, about  1

Sun customer support  1


Sun ONE Message Queue  1

sun-acc.xml file  1

sun-application.xml file  1

sun-application-client.xml file  1

sun-cmp-mapping.xml file  1

sun-ejb-jar.xml file  1

sun-ra.xml file  1

sun-server_1_0.dtd file  1

sun-web.xml file  1

sybase-xa-recovery-workaround property  1


TempDir init.conf directive  1

TempDir parameter  1

TempDirSecurity init.conf directive  1

TERM signal  1

TerminateTimeout init.conf directive  1

thread pools, settings in init.conf  1

ThreadIncrement init.conf directive  1

threads, settings in init.conf  1

time formats  1

timeout-in-seconds attribute  1

tls-enabled attribute  1

tls-rollback-enabled attribute  1

transaction log file  1, 2

transaction-isolation-level attribute  1

transaction-service element  1

TransmitFiles parameter  1

transport-protocol attribute  1

transport-protocol-class attribute  1

tx-log-dir attribute  1

type parameter  1

type-by-extension function  1


Umask init.conf directive  1

UNIX user account, specifying  1

url property  1

UseOutputStreamSize init.conf directive  1

user attribute  1

user database selection  1, 2

User init.conf directive  1

user property  1

user variable  1

use-system-logging attribute  1


validation-table-name attribute  1

value attribute  1

variables  1

evaluation  1

format of  1

referencing in obj.conf  1

substitution, where allowed  1

used in the interfaces  1

victim-selection-policy attribute  1

virtual servers

and the obj.conf file  1

log file for  1

virtual-server element  1

virtual-server-class element  1

virtual-servers attribute  1, 2


web module, default  1

web-container element  1

web-module element  1

WincgiTimeout init.conf directive  1

Windows console  1


xaresource-txn-timeout property  1

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