Sun Gathering Debug Data for Sun Java System Directory Proxy Server 5

1.5 What Directory Proxy Server Debug Data Should You Collect?

This section describes the kinds of debug data you need to provide based on the problem you are experiencing.

This section contains the following tasks:

ProcedureTo Collect Required Debug Data For Any Directory Proxy Server Problem

All problems described in this technical note need basic information collected about when the problem occurred and about the system having the problem. Use this task to collect that basic information.

  1. Note the time or times the problem occurred.

  2. If possible, collect explorer output from SUNWexplo software on the system where the problem occurred.

  3. Provide graphical representation of your deployment.

    The graphical representation of your deployment is key to understanding the context of the problem. Show the following in the graphical representation.

    • All computers involved, with their IP addresses, hostnames, roles in the deployment, operating systems, and versions used.

    • All other relevant systems, including load balancers, firewalls, and so forth.

  4. Note the operating system version.

    Solaris OS

    uname -a


    uname -r

    Red Hat

    cat /etc/redhat-release


    C:\Program Files\Common files\Microsoft Shared\MSInfo\msinfo32.exe /report C:\report.txt

  5. Note the patch level.

    Solaris OS

    showrev -p



    Red Hat

    rpm -qa


    Already provided in C:\report.txt.

  6. Note the version of Directory Proxy Server.

  7. To determine the version information, use the ldapfwd -v command.

    server-root/bin/dps/server/bin/ldapfwd -v

    On UNIX and Linux systems, you might see the following error. ldapfwd: fatal: open failed: No such file or directory

    If you see the error, set LD_LIBRARY_PATH to include Directory Proxy Server libraries in your load path. For example, if you use sh, use the following command.

    export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=server-root/lib

  8. Collect the Directory Proxy Server configuration file generated with the dpsconfig2ldif command.

    UNIX and Linux

    server-root/bin/dps_utilities/dpsconfig2ldif -t server-root/dps-serverID/etc/tailor.txt -o /tmp/config.ldif


    server-root\bin\dps_utilities\dpsconfig2ldif -t server-root\dps-serverID\etc\tailor.txt -o %TEMP%\config.ldif

  9. Collect Directory Proxy Server trace logging information.

    1. Access the Directory Proxy Server Console.

    2. Select the Configuration tab.

    3. Select the Logs node.

    4. In the Log detail drop-down list, select Detailed trace.

    5. Save your work.

    6. Restart Directory Proxy Server.

    7. After reproducing the problem, collect the server-root/dps-serverID/logs/fwd.log file.

  10. Collect Directory Server version information with the nsslapd -V command for directories accessed through the proxy.

    server-root/bin/slapd/server/ns-slapd -D instance-dir -V

  11. Collect Directory Server access, errors, and audit logs for directories accessed through the proxy.

    When you find more than one log file of each type, collect each of the log files. If possible, provide logs that show server operation before the problem occurred, and also logs written as the problem occurred.

    By default, you find these logs in the following locations.



    server-root/slapd-serverID/logs/audit (if enabled)

    If these log files are not in the default locations, examine the Directory Server configuration file, server-root/slapd-serverID/config/dse.ldif, to find the paths to the logs. The paths are specified as the values of attributes nsslapd-accesslog, nsslapd-errorlog, and nsslapd-auditlog.

ProcedureTo Collect Required Debug Data For Directory Proxy Server Installation Problems

This procedure describes what data to collect when you cannot complete Directory Proxy Server installation.

Before You Begin

If the problem concerns a general installation failure for Java Enterprise System, first check the installation troubleshooting chapter in the Installation Guide for your version of Java Enterprise System.

  1. For compressed archive installations, collect installation output showing system calls.

    Reinstall while using the appropriate command for your system from the following list. Collect the output of the command that is displayed during installation.

    Solaris OS

    truss -ealf -rall -wall -vall -o /tmp/install-dps-truss.out ./setup


    tusc -v -fealT -rall -wall -o /tmp/install-dps-tusc.out ./setup

    Red Hat

    strace -fv -o /tmp/install-dps-strace.out ./setup


    Use DebugView.

    DebugView is available at

  2. For Java Enterprise System installations, collect installation error logs.

    The log file is named after the date and time that the installation failed. For example, a log file for an installation that failed on December 16 at 3:32 p.m. would have a name like Java_Enterprise_System*_install.B12161532.

    On Solaris systems, installation logs are located under /var/sadm/install/logs.

    On Red Hat and HP-UX systems, installation logs are located under /var/opt/sun/install/logs.

    On Windows systems, installation logs are located under C:\Documents and Settings\current-user\Local Settings\Temp.

ProcedureTo Collect Required Debug Data For an Unresponsive or Hung Directory Proxy Server Process

This procedure describes what data to collect when Directory Proxy Server is still running, but is no longer responding to client application requests.

Collect the data describe in this procedure while the server is hanging.

  1. Note the time during which the hang is seen to occur.

  2. Collect information about the port used during the hang.

    UNIX and Linux

    netstat -an | grep dps-port

    On Solaris OS, also collect the output of pfiles pid, where pid is the process ID of the unresponsive server process.


    netstat -an

  3. Collect statistics about the system running Directory Proxy Server.

    Solaris OS

    ps -aux | grep server-root

    vmstat 5 5

    iostat -x




    ps -aux | grep server-root

    vmstat 5 5

    iostat -x



    Red Hat

    ps -aux | grep server-root

    vmstat 5 5





    Get the process ID using the tlist.exe command, then get process details using the same command.

    win-dbg-root\tlist.exe pid

  4. Collect swap information.

    Solaris OS

    swap -l



    Red Hat



    Already provided in C:\report.txt.

  5. On Solaris systems, collect output from pstack and pmap five times, once every ten seconds.

    pstack pid

    pmap -x pid

  6. Get output showing system calls during the hang, by letting each of the commands listed here run for about a minute, then stopping them by typing Control-C.

    Solaris OS

    truss -ealf -rall -wall -vall -o /tmp/truss.out -p pid


    tusc -v -fealT -rall -wall -o /tmp/truss.out -p pid

    Red Hat

    strace -fv -o /tmp/strace.out -p pid


    Use Debug View.

    DebugView is available at

  7. Collect core files or crash dumps, and related command output.

    When the server is hanging, attempt to get several core files that show the state of the server threads over time. You can do this by generating a core file, changing the name of the core file, waiting 30 seconds to a minute, and generating another core file. Repeat the process at least once to get a minimum of three sets of core files and related data.

    Solaris OS

    cd server-root/bin/dps/server/bin

    gcore -o /tmp/dps-core pid

    pstack /tmp/dps-core

    For each core file on Solaris OS, collect output from the following commands.

    cd server-root/bin/dps/server/bin

    file core-file

    pstack core-file

    pmap core-file

    pflags core-file

    For at least one of the core files on Solaris OS, collect output from the pkg_app script.

    ./pkg_app.ksh pid core-file

    Here, pid is the server process ID number. See To Run the pkg_app Script for instructions on using pkg_app.


    cd server-root/bin/dps/server/bin

    If you have the patches PHKL_31876 and PHCO_32173 patches installed, generate the core file using the gcore command.

    gcore -p pid

    Otherwise, use the gdb command to generate the core file.


    (gdb) attach pid

    Attaching to process pid

    No executable file name was specified

    (gdb) dumpcore

    Dumping core to the core file

    (gdb) quit

    The program is running. Quit anyway (and detach it)? (y or n) y

    Detaching from program: , process pid

    Red Hat

    cd server-root/bin/dps/server/bin


    (gdb) attach pid

    Attaching to process pid

    No executable file was specified

    (gdb) gcore

    Saved corefile

    (gdb) backtrace

    (gdb) quit



    win-dbg-root\adplus.vbs -hang -p pid -o C:\dump-dir

    Collect everything in the folder under C:\dump-dir.

ProcedureTo Collect Required Debug Data For a Crashed Directory Proxy Server Process

This procedure describes what data to collect when a Directory Proxy Server process unexpectedly dies.

  1. Try to restart Directory Proxy Server and record the results.

  2. Include the test case to reproduce the problem.

  3. Collect statistics about the system running Directory Proxy Server.

    Solaris OS

    ps -aux | grep server-root

    vmstat 5 5

    iostat -x




    ps -aux | grep server-root

    vmstat 5 5

    iostat -x



    Red Hat

    ps -aux | grep server-root

    vmstat 5 5





    Get the process ID using the tlist.exe command, then get process details using the same command.

    win-dbg-root\tlist.exe pid

  4. Collect swap information.

    Solaris OS

    swap -l



    Red Hat



    Already provided in C:\report.txt.

  5. Collect system logs.

    Solaris OS





    Red Hat




    Retrieve the Event log files.

    From the Control Panel, open the Event Viewer. Select the event log. Then select Action > Save log file as to save the log.

  6. Collect core files.

    For instructions on preparing your system to produce core files or crash dumps in the event of a crash, see 1.6 Configuring the Operating System to Generate Core Files.

    1. For each core file on Solaris OS, collect output from the following commands.

      cd server-root/bin/dps/server/bin

      file core-file

      pstack core-file

      pmap core-file

      pflags core-file

    2. For at least one of the core files on Solaris OS, collect output from the pkg_app script.

      ./pkg_app.ksh pid core-file

      Here, pid is the server process ID number. See To Run the pkg_app Script for instructions on using pkg_app.

ProcedureTo Collect Required Debug Data For Directory Proxy Server Console Problems

This section describes what data to collect when part of the Directory Proxy Server Console fails to comply with what you expect.

  1. Collect screen shots of the affected screen or screens.

    The screen shots should show the problem you are experiencing.

  2. Provide step by step instructions for reproducing the problem.

    If needed, also provide test case data.

  3. Collect debug traces for Directory Proxy Server Console when you reproduce the problem, saved in a console-debug.txt file.

    startconsole -D 9 > console-debug.txt

  4. Collect Administration Server access and error logs.

    The access log is server-root/admin-serv/logs/access.

    The error log is server-root/admin-serv/logs/error.