Sun Studio 12: Debugging a Program With dbx

Examples of Exception Handling

This example demonstrates how exception handling is done in dbx using a sample program containing exceptions. An exception of type int is thrown in the function bar and is caught in the following catch block.

1  #include <stdio.h>
3  class c {
4      int x;
5    public:
6      c(int i) { x = i; }
7      ~c() {
8                printf("destructor for c(%d)\n", x);
9           }
10  };
12  void bar() {
13      c c1(3);
14      throw(99);
15  }
17  int main() {
18      try {
19          c c2(5);
20          bar();
21          return 0;
22      }
23      catch (int i) {
24          printf("caught exception %d\n", i);
25      }
26  }

The following transcript from the example program shows the exception handling features in dbx.

(dbx) intercept
-unhandled -unexpected
(dbx) intercept int
<dbx> intercept
-unhandled -unexpected int
(dbx) stop in bar
(2) stop in bar()
Running: a.out
(process id 304)
Stopped in bar at line 13 in file “”
   13       c c1(3);
(dbx) whocatches int
int is caught at line 24, in function main (frame number 2)
(dbx) whocatches c
dbx: no runtime type info for class c (never thrown or caught)
(dbx) cont
Exception of type int is caught at line 24, in function main (frame number 4)
stopped in _exdbg_notify_of_throw at 0xef731494
0xef731494: _exdbg_notify_of_throw          :        jmp     %o7 + 0x8
Current function is bar
   14        throw(99);
(dbx) step
stopped in c::~c at line 8 in file ""
    8         printf("destructor for c(%d)\n", x);
(dbx) step
destructor for c(3)
stopped in c::~c at line 9 in file ""
    9       }
(dbx) step
stopped in c::~c at line 8 in file ""
    8        printf("destructor for c(%d)\n", x);
(dbx) step
destructor for c(5)
stopped in c::~c at line 9 in file ""
    9       )
(dbx) step
stopped in main at line 24 in file ""
   24           printf("caught exception %d\n", i);
(dbx) step
caught exception 99
stopped in main at line 26 in file ""
   26   }