Sun Studio 12: Debugging a Program With dbx


collector command_list

Specify one or more of the collector commands

collector archive options

Specify the mode for archiving an experiment when it terminates (see collector archive Command).

collector dbxsample options

Control the collection of samples when dbx stops the target process (see collector dbxsample Command).

collector disable

Stop data collection and close the current experiment (see collector disable Command).

collector enable

Enable the collector and open a new experiment (see collector enable Command).

collector heaptrace options

Enable or disable collection of heap tracing data (see collector heaptrace Command)

collector hwprofile options

Specify hardware counter profiling settings (see collector hw_profile Command).

collector limit options

Limit the amount of profiling data recoreded (see collector limit Command).

collector mpitrace options

Enables or disables collection of MPI tracing data (see collector mpitrace Command).

collector pause

Stop collecting performance data but leave experiment open (see collector pause Command).

collector profile options

Specify settings for collecting callstack profiling data (see collector profile Command).

collector resume

Start performance data collection after pause (see collector resume Command).

collector sample options

Specify sampling settings (see collector sample Command

collector show options

Show current collector settings (see collector show Command).

collector status

Inquire status about current experiment (see collector status Command).

collector store options

Experiment file control and settings (see collector store Command).

collector synctrace options

Specify settings for collecting thread synchronization wait tracing data (see collector synctrace Command).

collector tha options

Specify settings for collecting thread analyzer data (see collector tha Command.

collector version

Report the version of that would be used to collect data (see collector version Command).


options are the settings that can be specified with each command.

To start collecting data, type either collector enable.

To turn off data collection, type collector disable.