Sun Studio 12: Debugging a Program With dbx

Java Mode Syntax


Print the list of variables and parameters being displayed.

display expression|identifier, ...

Display the value of variables and parameters of identifier, ... at every stopping point.

display [-r|+r|-d|+d|-p|+p|-fformat|-Fformat|-Fformat|--] expression|identifier, ...

See print Command for the meaning of these flags.


class_name is the name of a Java class, using either the package path (using period (.) as a qualifier; for example, test1.extra.T1.Inner) or the full path name (preceded by a pound sign (#) and using slash (/) and dollar sign ($) as qualifiers; for example, #test1/extra/T1$Inner). Enclose class_name in quotation marks if you use the $ qualifier.

expression is a valid Java expression.

field_name is the name of a field in the class.

format is the output format you want used to print the expression. For information on valid formats, see print Command.

identifier is a local variable or parameter, including this, the current class instance variable (object_name.field_name) or a class (static) variable (class_name.field_name).

object_name is the name of a Java object.