Sun Studio 12: Debugging a Program With dbx

Java Mode Syntax

The following specific syntaxes are valid in Java mode.

trace -file file_name

Direct all trace output to the given file_name. To revert trace output to standard output use - for file_nametrace output is always appended to file_name. It is flushed whenever dbxprompts and when the application has exited. The file_nameis always re-opened on a new run or resumption after an attach.

trace at line_number

Trace line_number.

trace at file_name.line_number

Trace give source file_name.line_number.

trace in class_name.method_name

Trace calls to and returns from class_name. method_name.

trace in class_name.method_name([parameters]).

Trace calls to and returns from class_name.method_name([parameters]).

trace inmethod class_name.method_name

Trace when any method named class_name.method_name is called.

trace inmethod class_name.method_name[(parameters)]

Trace when any method named class_name.method_name [(parameters)] is called.


class_name is the name of a Java class, using either the package path (using period (.) as a qualifier, for example, test1.extra.T1.Inner) or the full path name (preceded by a pound sign (#) and using slash (/) and dollar sign ($) as qualifiers, for example, #test1/extra/T1$Inner). Enclose class_name in quotation marks if you use the $ qualifier.

file_name is the name of a file.

line_number is the number of a source code line.

method_name is the name of a Java method.

parameters are the method’s parameters

The following modifiers are valid in Java mode.

-if condition_expression

The specified event occurs and the trace is printed only when condition_expression evaluates to true.

-count number

Starting at 0, each time the event occurs, the counter is incremented. When number is reached, the trace is printed and the counter is reset to 0.

-count infinity

Starting at 0, each time the event occurs, the counter is incremented. Execution is not stopped.


Create a temporary breakpoint that is deleted when the event occurs and the trace is printed. If -temp is used with -count, the breakpoint is deleted only when the counter is reset to 0.


Create the breakpoint in a disabled state.

For a list and the syntax of all events see Setting Event Specifications.