Sun Studio 12: Fortran Programming Guide

5.1.2 How to Invoke Global Program Checking

The -Xlist option on the command line invokes the compiler’s global program analyzer. There are a number of suboptions, as described in the sections that follow.

Example: Compile three files for basic global program checking:

demo% f95 -Xlist  any1.f  any2.f  any3.f

In the preceding example, the compiler: Screen Output

Normally, output listings produced by -Xlistx are written to a file. To display directly to the screen, use -Xlisto to write the output file to /dev/tty.

Example: Display to terminal:

demo% f95 -Xlisto /dev/tty  any1.f Default Output Features

The –Xlist option provides a combination of features available for output. With no other -Xlist options, you get the following by default: File Types

The checking process recognizes all the files in the compiler command line that end in .f, .f90, .f95, .for, .F, .F95, or .o. The .o files supply the process with information regarding only global names, such as subroutine and function names.