Sun Studio 12: Fortran Programming Guide

10.3.1 Parallelizable Loops

A loop is appropriate for explicit parallelization if: Scoping Rules: Private and Shared

A private variable or array is private to a single iteration of a loop. The value assigned to a private variable or array in one iteration is not propagated to any other iteration of the loop.

A shared variable or array is shared with all other iterations. The value assigned to a shared variable or array in an iteration is seen by other iterations of the loop.

If an explicitly parallelized loop contains shared references, then you must ensure that sharing does not cause correctness problems. The compiler does not synchronize on updates or accesses to shared variables.

If you specify a variable as private in one loop, and its only initialization is within some other loop, the value of that variable may be left undefined in the loop. Subprogram Call in a Loop

A subprogram call in a loop (or in any subprograms called from within the called routine) may introduce data dependencies that could go unnoticed without a deep analysis of the data and control flow through the chain of calls. While it is best to parallelize outermost loops that do a significant amount of the work, these tend to be the very loops that involve subprogram calls.

Because such an interprocedural analysis is difficult and could greatly increase compilation time, automatic parallelization modes do not attempt it. With explicit parallelization, the compiler generates parallelized code for a loop marked with a PARALLEL DO or DOALL directive even if it contains calls to subprograms. It is still the programmer’s responsibility to insure that no data dependencies exist within the loop and all that the loop encloses, including called subprograms.

Multiple invocations of a routine by different threads can cause problems resulting from references to local static variables that interfere with each other. Making all the local variables in a routine automatic rather than static prevents this. Each invocation of a subprogram then has its own unique store of local variables maintained on the stack, and no two invocations will interfere with each other.

Local subprogram variables can be made automatic variables that reside on the stack either by listing them on an AUTOMATIC statement or by compiling the subprogram with the -stackvar option. However, local variables initialized in DATA statements must be rewritten to be initialized in actual assignments.

Note –

Allocating local variables to the stack can cause stack overflow. See 10.1.6 Stacks, Stack Sizes, and Parallelization about increasing the size of the stack. Inhibitors to Explicit Parallelization

In general, the compiler parallelizes a loop if you explicitly direct it to. There are exceptions—some loops the compiler will not parallelize.

The following are the primary detectable inhibitors that might prevent explicitly parallelizing a DO loop:

By compiling with -vpara and -loopinfo, you will get diagnostic messages if the compiler detects a problem while explicitly parallelizing a loop.

The following table lists typical parallelization problems detected by the compiler:

Table 10–3 Explicit Parallelization Problems



Warning Message  

Loop is nested inside another loop that is parallelized. 



Loop is in a subroutine called within the body of a parallelized loop. 



Jumping out of loop is allowed by a flow control statement. 



Index variable of loop is subject to side effects. 



Some variable in the loop has a loop-carried dependency. 



I/O statement in the loop—usually unwise, because the order of the output is not predictable.



Example: Nested loops:

      do 900 i = 1, 1000      !  Parallelized (outer loop)
        do 200 j = 1, 1000    !  Not parallelized, no warning
200   continue
900      continue

Example: A parallelized loop in a subroutine:

 program main
      do 100 i = 1, 200      <-parallelized
        call calc (a, x)
100      continue
subroutine calc ( b, y )
      do 1 m = 1, 1000       <-not parallelized
1      continue

In the example, the loop within the subroutine is not parallelized because the subroutine itself is run in parallel.

Example: Jumping out of a loop:

!$omp parallel do
      do i = 1, 1000     ! <- Not parallelized, error issued
        if (a(i) .gt. min_threshold ) go to 20
      end do
20      continue

The compiler issues an error diagnostic if there is a jump outside a loop marked for parallelization.

Example: A variable in a loop has a loop-carried dependency:

demo% cat vpfn.f
      real function fn (n,x,y,z)
      real y(*),x(*),z(*)
      s = 0.0
!$omp parallel do private(i,s) shared(x,y,z)
      do  i = 1, n
          x(i) = s
          s = y(i)*z(i)
demo% f95 -c -vpara -loopinfo -openmp -O4 vpfn.f
"vpfn.f", line 5: Warning: the loop may have parallelization inhibiting reference
"vpfn.f", line 5: PARALLELIZED, user pragma used

Here the loop is parallelized but the possible loop carried dependency is diagnosed in a warning. However, be aware that not all loop dependencies can be diagnosed by the compiler. I/O With Explicit Parallelization

You can do I/O in a loop that executes in parallel, provided that:

Example: I/O statement in loop

      do i = 1, 10     !  Parallelized
        k = i
        call show ( k )
      end do
      subroutine show( j )
      write(6,1) j
1      format(’Line number ’, i3, ’.’)
demo% f95 -openmp t13.f
demo% setenv PARALLEL 4
demo% a.out

Line number 9.
Line number 4.
Line number 5.
Line number 6.
Line number 1.
Line number 2.
Line number 3.
Line number 7.
Line number 8.

However, I/O that is recursive, where an I/O statement contains a call to a function that itself does I/O, will cause a runtime error.