Sun Studio 12: Performance Analyzer

viewmode { user | expert | machine }

Set the mode to one of the following:


For Java experiments, show the Java call stacks for Java threads, and do not show housekeeping threads. The function list includes a function <JVM-System> representing aggregated time from non-Java threads. When the JVM software does not report a Java call stack, time is reported against the function <no Java callstack recorded>.

For OpenMP experiments, show master-thread call stacks and slave thread call stacks reconciled, and add special functions, with the names of form <OMP-*>, when the OpenMP runtime is performing certain operations.


For Java experiments, show the Java call stacks for Java threads when the user’s Java code is being executed, and machine call stacks when JVM code is being executed or when the JVM software does not report a Java call stack. Show the machine call stacks for housekeeping threads.

For OpenMP experiments, show the same information as for user mode.


For Java experiments and OpenMP experiments, show the machine call stacks for all threads.

For all experiments other than Java experiments and OpenMP experiments, all three modes show the same data.