Sun Studio 12: Performance Analyzer

Running the collect Command Under MPI

To collect data with the collect command under the control of MPI, use the following syntax, as appropriate for your version of ClusterTools.

On Sun HPC ClusterTools 7:

% mpirun -np n 
collect [collect-arguments] program-name

On Sun HPC ClusterTools 6 and earlier:

% mprun -np n 
collect [collect-arguments] program-name

In each case, n is the number of processes to be created by MPI. This procedure creates n separate instances of collect, each of which records an experiment. Read the section Where the Data Is Stored for information on where and how to store the experiments.

To ensure that the sets of experiments from different MPI runs are stored separately, you can create an experiment group with the -g option for each MPI run. The experiment group should be stored on a file system that is accessible to all MPI processes. Creating an experiment group also makes it easier to load the set of experiments for a single MPI run into the Performance Analyzer. An alternative to creating a group is to specify a separate directory for each MPI run with the -d option.