Sun Studio 12: C++ User's Guide

3.3.9 Obsolete Options

Note –

The following options are either currently obsolete and so no longer accepted by the compiler, or they will be removed in a future release.

Table 3–10 Obsolete Options




Obsolete option that will be removed in a future release. 


Disables license queueing. 


Ignored by the compiler. A future release of the compiler may reuse this option using a different behavior. 


Obsolete option that will be removed in a future release. 


Use -xtarget=ss2


Obsolete, there is no alternative option. 


Use -xprefetch=auto,explicit instead.


Use -xprefetch=no%auto,no%explicit instead.


Use -xvector=lib instead.


Use -xvecttor=none instead.