Sun Studio 12: C++ User's Guide

12.7.4 Using the Replacement Library

On each compilation, use the -I option to point to the location where the headers are installed. In addition, use the -library=no%Cstd option to prevent finding the compiler’s own versions of the libCstd headers. For example:

example% CC -I/opt/mycstd/include -library=no%Cstd... (compile)

During compiling, the -library=no%Cstd option prevents searching the directory where the compiler’s own version of these headers is located.

On each program or library link, use the -library=no%Cstd option to prevent finding the compiler’s own libCstd, the -L option to point to the directory where the replacement library is, and the -l option to specify the replacement library. Example:

example% CC -library=no%Cstd -L/opt/mycstd/lib -lmyCstd... (link)

Alternatively, you can use the full path name of the library directly, and omit using the -L and -l options. For example:

example% CC -library=no%Cstd /opt/mycstd/lib/libmyCstd.a... (link)

During linking, the -library=no%Cstd option prevents linking the compiler’s own version of libCstd.