Sun Studio 12: C++ User's Guide

14.4.1 Dealing With Files Using Class fstream

Dealing with files is similar to dealing with standard input and standard output; classes ifstream, ofstream, and fstream are derived from classes istream, ostream, and iostream, respectively. As derived classes, they inherit the insertion and extraction operations (along with the other member functions) and also have members and constructors for use with files.

Include the file fstream.h to use any of the fstreams. Use an ifstream when you only want to perform input, an ofstream for output only, and an fstream for a stream on which you want to perform both input and output. Use the name of the file as the constructor argument.

For example, copy the file thisFile to the file thatFile as in the following example:

ifstream fromFile("thisFile");
if     (!fromFile)
    error("unable to open ’thisFile’ for input");
ofstream toFile ("thatFile");
if     (!toFile)
    error("unable to open ’thatFile’ for output");
char c;
while (toFile && fromFile.get(c)) toFile.put(c);

This code: Open Mode

The mode is constructed by or-ing bits from the enumerated type open_mode, which is a public type of class ios and has the definition:

enum open_mode {binary=0, in=1, out=2, ate=4, app=8, trunc=0x10,
     nocreate=0x20, noreplace=0x40};

Note –

The binary flag is not needed on UNIX, but is provided for compatibility with systems that do need it. Portable code should use the binary flag when opening binary files.

You can open a file for both input and output. For example, the following code opens file someName for both input and output, attaching it to the fstream variable inoutFile.

fstream inoutFile("someName", ios::in|ios::out); Declaring an fstream Without Specifying a File

You can declare an fstream without specifying a file and open the file later. For example, the following creates the ofstream toFile for writing.

ofstream toFile;[1], ios::out); Opening and Closing Files

You can close the fstream and then open it with another file. For example, to process a list of files provided on the command line:

ifstream infile;
for (char** f = &argv[1]; *f; ++f) {*f, ios::in);
} Opening a File Using a File Descriptor

If you know a file descriptor, such as the integer 1 for standard output, you can open it like this:

ofstream outfile;

When you open a file by providing its name to one of the fstream constructors or by using the open function, the file is automatically closed when the fstream is destroyed (by a delete or when it goes out of scope). When you attach a file to an fstream, it is not automatically closed. Repositioning Within a File

You can alter the reading and writing position in a file. Several tools are supplied for this purpose.

enum seek_dir {beg=0, cur=1, end=2};

For example, given an fstream aFile:

streampos original = aFile.tellp();     //save current position
aFile.seekp(0, ios::end); //reposition to end of file
aFile << x;               //write a value to file
aFile.seekp(original);    //return to original position

seekg (seekp) can take one or two parameters. When it has two parameters, the first is a position relative to the position indicated by the seek_dir value given as the second parameter. For example:

aFile.seekp(-10, ios::end);

moves to 10 bytes from the end while

aFile.seekp(10, ios::cur);

moves to 10 bytes forward from the current position.

Note –

Arbitrary seeks on text streams are not portable, but you can always return to a previously saved streampos value.