Sun Studio 12: C++ User's Guide

A.2.113.1 Values

You can substitute one of the following for o:

Table A–26 The -xchar Values




Treat character constants and variables declared as char as signed. This impacts the behavior of compiled code, it does not affect the behavior of library routines. 


Equivalent to signed


Treat character constants and variables declared as char as unsigned. This impacts the behavior of compiled code, it does not affect the behavior of library routines. 


Equivalent to unsigned


If you do not specify -xchar, the compiler assumes -xchar=s.

If you specify -xchar, but do not specify a value, the compiler assumes -xchar=s.


The -xchar option changes the range of values for the type char only for code compiled with -xchar. This option does not change the range of values for type char in any system routine or header file. In particular, the value of CHAR_MAX and CHAR_MIN, as defined by limits.h, do not change when this option is specified. Therefore, CHAR_MAX and CHAR_MIN no longer represent the range of values encodable in a plain char.


If you use -xchar, be particularly careful when you compare a char against a predefined system macro because the value in the macro may be signed. This is most common for any routine that returns an error code which is accessed through a macro. Error codes are typically negative values so when you compare a char against the value from such a macro, the result is always false. A negative number can never be equal to any value of an unsigned type.

It is strongly recommended that you never use -xchar to compile routines for any interface exported through a library. The Solaris ABI specifies type char as signed, and system libraries behave accordingly. The effect of making char unsigned has not been extensively tested with system libraries. Instead of using this option, modify your code so that it does not depend on whether type char is signed or unsigned. The sign of type char varies among compilers and operating systems.