Sun Studio 12: C++ User's Guide

A.2.133.1 Values

v must be one of the following:

Table A–37 The -xldscope Values




Global linker scoping is the least restrictive linker scoping. All references to the symbol bind to the definition in the first dynamic load module that defines the symbol. This linker scoping is the current linker scoping for extern symbols. 


Symbolic linker scoping and is more restrictive than global linker scoping. All references to the symbol from within the dynamic load module being linked bind to the symbol defined within the module. Outside of the module, the symbol appears as though it is global. This linker scoping corresponds to the linker option -Bsymbolic. Although you cannot use -Bsymbolic with C++ libraries, you can use the -xldscope=symbolic without causing problems. See ld(1) for more information on the linker.


Hidden linker scoping is more restrictive than symbolic and global linker scoping. All references within a dynamic load module bind to a definition within that module. The symbol will not be visible outside of the module. 


If you do not specify -xldscope, the compiler assumes -xldscope=global. If you specify -xldscope without any values, the compiler issues an error. Multiple instances of this option on the command line override each other until the right most instance is reached.


If you intend to allow a client to override a function in a library, you must be sure that the function is not generated inline during the library build. The compiler inlines a function if you specify the function name with -xinline, if you compile at -xO4 or higher in which case inlining can happen automatically, if you use the inline specifier, or if you are using cross-file optimization.

For example, suppose library ABC has a default allocator function that can be used by library clients, and is also used internally in the library:

void* ABC_allocator(size_t size) { return malloc(size); }

If you build the library at -xO4 or higher, the compiler inlines calls to ABC_allocator that occur in library components. If a library client wants to replace ABC_allocator with a customized version, the replacement will not occur in library components that called ABC_allocator. The final program will include different versions of the function.

Library functions declared with the __hidden or __symbolic specifiers can be generated inline when building the library. They are not supposed to be overridden by clients. See 4.2 Thread-Local Storage.

Library functions declared with the __global specifier, should not be declared inline, and should be protected from inlining by use of the -xinline compiler option.

See Also

-xinline, -xO, -xcrossfile