Sun Studio 12: C++ User's Guide


If you use -g or -g0 and the optimization level is -xO3 or lower, the compiler provides best-effort symbolic information with almost full optimization. Tail-call optimization and back-end inlining are disabled.

If you use -g or -g0 and the optimization level is -xO4 or higher, the compiler provides best-effort symbolic information with full optimization.

Debugging with -g does not suppress –xOlevel, but –xOlevel limits –g in certain ways. For example, the –xOlevel options reduce the utility of debugging so that you cannot display variables from dbx, but you can still use the dbx where command to get a symbolic traceback. For more information, see Debugging a Program With dbx.

The -xcrossfile option is effective only if it is used with -xO4 or -xO5.

The -xinline option has no effect for optimization levels below -xO3. At -xO4, the optimizer decides which functions should be inlined, and does so regardless of whether you specify the -xinline option. At -xO4, the compiler also attempts to determine which functions will improve performance if they are inlined. If you force the inlining of a function with -xinline, you might actually diminish performance.