Sun Studio 12: OpenMP API User's Guide

2.4 Processor Binding on Solaris

With processor binding, the programmer instructs the Solaris Operating System that a thread in the program should run on the same processor throughout the execution of the program. (This feature is not available on Linux.)

Processor binding, when used along with static scheduling, benefits applications that exhibit a certain data reuse pattern where data accessed by a thread in a parallel or worksharing region will be in the local cache from a previous invocation of a parallel or worksharing region.

From the hardware point of view, a computer system is composed of one or more physical processors. From the Operating System point of view, each of these physical processors maps to one or more virtual processors onto which threads in a program can be run. If n virtual processors are available, then n threads can be scheduled to run at the same time. Depending on the system, a virtual processor may be a processor, a core, etc. For example, each UltraSPARC IV physical processor has two cores; from the Solaris OS point of view, each of these cores is a virtual processor onto which a thread can be scheduled to run. The UltraSPARC T1 physical processor, on the other hand, has eight cores, and each core can run four simultaneous processing threads; from the Solaris OS point of view, there are 32 virtual processors onto which threads can be scheduled to run. On the Solaris Operating System, the number of virtual processors can be determined by using the psrinfo(1M) command.

When the operating system binds threads to processors, they are in effect bound to specific virtual processors, not physical processors.

When running under the Solaris OS, set the SUNW_MP_PROCBIND environment variable to bind threads in an OpenMP program to specific virtual processors. The value specified for SUNW_MP_PROCBIND can be one of the following:

Note that the non-negative integers referred to above denote logical identifiers (IDs). Logical IDs may be different from virtual processor IDs. The difference will be explained below.

Virtual Processor IDs:

Each virtual processor in a system has a unique processor ID. You can use the Solaris OS psrinfo(1M) command to display information about the processors in a system, including their processor IDs. Moreover, you can use the prtdiag(1M) command to display system configuration and diagnostic information.

You can use psrinfo -pv to list all physical processors in the system and the virtual processors that are associated with each physical processor.

Virtual processor IDs may be sequential or there may be gaps in the IDs. For example, on a Sun Fire 4810 with 8 UltraSPARC IV processors (16 cores), the virtual processor IDs may be: 0, 1, 2, 3, 8, 9, 10, 11, 512, 513, 514, 515, 520, 521, 522, 523.

Logical IDs:

As mentioned above, the non-negative integers specified for SUNW_MP_PROCBIND are logical IDs. Logical IDs are consecutive integers that start with 0. If the number of virtual processors available in the system is n, then their logical IDs are 0, 1, ..., n-1, in the order presented by psrinfo(1M). The following Korn shell script can be used to display the mapping from virtual processor IDs to logical IDs.


NUMV= `psrinfo | fgrep "on-line" | wc -l `
set -A VID  `psrinfo | cut -f1 `

echo "Total number of on-line virtual processors = $NUMV"

let "I=0"
let "J=0"
while [[ $I -lt $NUMV ]]
  echo "Virtual processor ID ${VID[I]} maps to logical ID ${J}"
  let "I=I+1"
  let "J=J+1"

On systems where a single physical processor maps to several virtual processors, it may be useful to know which logical IDs correspond to virtual processors that belong to the same physical processor. The following Korn shell script can be used with later Solaris releases to display this information.


NUMV= `psrinfo | grep "on-line" | wc -l `
set -A VLIST  `psrinfo | cut -f1 `
set -A CHECKLIST  `psrinfo | cut -f1 `

let "I=0"

while [ $I -lt $NUMV ]
  let "COUNT=0"

  let "J=I+1"

  while [ $J -lt $NUMV ]
    if [ ${CHECKLIST[J]} -ne -1 ]
      if [  `psrinfo -p ${VLIST[I]} ${VLIST[J]} ` = 1 ]
    let "CHECKLIST[J]=-1"
    let "COUNT=COUNT+1"
    let "J=J+1"

  if [ $COUNT -gt 0 ]
    echo "The following logical IDs belong to the same physical processor:"
    echo "$SAMELIST"
    echo " "

  let "I=I+1"

Interpreting the Value Specified for SUNW_MP_PROCBIND:

If the value specified for SUNW_MP_PROCBIND is a non-negative integer, then that integer denotes the starting logical ID of the virtual processor to which threads should be bound. Threads will be bound to virtual processors in a round-robin fashion, starting with the processor with the specified logical ID, and wrapping around to the processor with logical ID 0, after binding to the processor with logical ID n-1.If the value specified for SUNW_MP_PROCBIND is a list of two or more non-negative integers, then threads will be bound in a round-robin fashion to virtual processors with the specified logical IDs. Processors with logical IDs other than those specified will not be used.

If the value specified for SUNW_MP_PROCBIND is two non-negative integers separated by a minus ("-"), then threads will be bound in a round-robin fashion to virtual processors in the range that begins with the first logical ID and ends with the second logical ID. Processors with logical IDs other than those included in the range will not be used.

If the value specified for SUNW_MP_PROCBIND does not conform to one of the forms described above, or if an invalid logical ID is given, then an error message will be emitted and execution of the program will terminate.

Note that the number of threads created by the microtasking library, libmtsk, depends on environment variables, API calls in the user’s program, and the num_threads clause. SUNW_MP_PROCBIND specifies the logical IDs of virtual processors to which the threads should be bound. Threads will be bound to that set of processors in a round-robin fashion. If the number of threads used in the program is less than the number of logical IDs specified by SUNW_MP_PROCBIND, then some virtual processors will not be used by the program. If the number of threads is greater than the number of logical IDs specified by SUNW_MP_PROCBIND, them some virtual processors will have more than one thread bound to them.