Sun Studio 12: Thread Analyzer User's Guide

2.2.3 Examine the Data-Race Detection Experiment

You can examine a data-race-detection experiment with the Thread Analyzer, the Performance Analyzer, or the er_print utility. Both the Thread Analyzer and the Performance Analyzer present a GUI interface; the former presents a simplified set of default tabs, but is otherwise identical to the Performance Analyzer.

The Thread Analyzer GUI has a menu bar, a tool bar, and a split pane that contains tabs for the various displays. On the left-hand pane, the following three tabs are shown by default:

On the right-hand pane of the Thread Analyzer display, the following two tabs are shown:

The er_print utility, on the other hand, presents a command-line interface. The following subcommands are useful for examining races with the er_print utility:

Refer to the collect.1, tha.1, analyzer.1, and er_print.1 man pages for more information.