Sun Studio 12: Thread Analyzer User's Guide Fixing Bugs in pthr_prime.c

Here's how to fix the bug in pthr_prime.c. See 2.1.2 Complete Listing of pthr_prime.c for a complete file listing.

Use a single mutex to remove the data-race in pthr_prime.c between the read from total on line 39 and the write to total on line 40. This addition also fixes two other data races in pthr_prime.c: the data-race on prime[] at line 39, as well as the data-race on total at line 40.

The data-race between the write to i on line 55 and the read from i on line 35 and the data-race on pflag[] on line 22, reveal a problem in the shared-access to the variable i by different threads. The initial thread in pthr_prime.c creates the child threads in a loop (source lines 55-57), and dispatches them to work on the function work(). The loop index i is passed to work() by address. Since all threads access the same memory location for i, the value of i for each thread will not remain unique, but will change as the initial thread increments the loop index. As different threads use the same value of i, the data-races occur.

One way to fix the problem is to pass i to work() by value. This ensures that each thread has its own private copy of i with a unique value. To remove the data-race on primes[] between the write access on line 39 and the read access on line 65, we can protect line 65 with the same mutex lock as the one used above for lines 39 and 40. However, this is not the correct fix. The real problem is that the main thread may report the result (lines 50 through 53) while the child threads are still updating total and primes[] in function work(). Using mutex locks does not provide the proper ordering synchronization between the threads. One correct fix is to let the main thread wait for all child threads to join it before printing out the results.

Here is the corrected version of pthr_prime.c:

1	#include <stdio.h>
2	#include <math.h>
3	#include <pthread.h>
5	#define THREADS 4
6	#define N 3000
8	int primes[N];
9	int pflag[N];
10	int total = 0;
11	pthread_mutex_t mutex = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER;
13	int is_prime(int v)
14	{
15	    int i;
16	    int bound = floor(sqrt(v)) + 1;
18	    for (i = 2; i < bound; i++) {
19	        /* no need to check against known composites */ 
20	        if (!pflag[i])
21	            continue;
22	        if (v % i == 0) {
23	            pflag[v] = 0;
24	            return 0;
25	        }
26	    }
27	    return (v > 1); 
28	}
30	void *work(void *arg)
31	{
32	    int start;
33	    int end;
34	    int i;
36	    start = (N/THREADS) * ((int)arg) ;
37	    end = start + N/THREADS;
38	    for (i = start; i < end; i++) {
39	        if ( is_prime(i) ) {
40	            pthread_mutex_lock(&mutex);
41	            primes[total] = i;
42	            total++;
43	            pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutex);
44	        }
45	    }
46	    return NULL;
47	}
49	int main(int argn, char **argv)
50	{
51	    int i;
52	    pthread_t tids[THREADS-1];
54	    for (i = 0; i < N; i++) {
55	        pflag[i] = 1; 
56	    }
58	    for (i = 0; i < THREADS-1; i++) {
59	        pthread_create(&tids[i], NULL, work, (void *)i);
60	    }
62	    i = THREADS-1;
63	    work((void *)i);
65	    for (i = 0; i < THREADS-1; i++) {
66	        pthread_join(tids[i], NULL);
67	    }
69	    printf("Number of prime numbers between 2 and %d: %d\n",
70	           N, total);
71	    for (i = 0; i < total; i++) {
72	        printf("%d\n", primes[i]);
73	    }
74	}