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All Compile-Time and Link-Time Options

Note: If you specify any of the options listed here, it is essential that you specify the option both at compile time and and at link time.

Option Language Meaning
-fast C C++ F95 This option is a macro that you can effectively use as a starting point for tuning an executable for maximum run-time performance.
-m32|64 C C++ F95 Specifies the memory model for the compiled binary object.
-mt C C++ F95 Indicates compilation and linking for multithreaded code.
-xarch C C++ F95 Specifies the target architecture instruction set (ISA).
-xautopar C C++ F95 Turns on automatic parallelization for multiple processors.
-xexplicitpar C F95 Parallelizes the loops that are specified.
-xhwcprof C C++ Enables compiler support for hardware counter-based profiling.
-xipo C C++ F95 Performs interprocedural optimizations.
-xlinkopt C C++ F95 Performs link-time optimizations on relocatable object files.
-xmemalign C C++ F95 Specifies the maximum assumed memory alignment and the behavior of misaligned data accesses.
-xopenmp C C++ F95 Enable explicit parallelization with OpenMP directives.
-xpagesize C C++ F95 Set the preferred page size for the stack and the heap.
-xpagesize_heap C C++ F95 Set the preferred page size for the heap.
-xpagesize_stack C C++ F95 Set the preferred page size for the stack.
-xparallel C F95 Parallelizes loops both automatically (by the compiler) and explicitly (as specified by the programmer).
-xpg C C++ F95 Compiles for profiling with the gprof profiler.
-xprofile C C++ F95 Collects or optimizes with runtime profiling data.
-xvector C C++ F95 Enables automatic generation of calls to the vector library and/or the generation of the SIMD (Single Instruction Multiple Data) instructions.

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