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Compilation-Mode Options by Language

C Compilation-Mode Options

Option Meaning
-# Turns on verbose modes, showing how command options expand. Shows each component as it is invoked.
-### Shows each component as it would be invoked, but does not actually execute it. Also shows how command options would expand.
-features Controls the compiler's treatment of extern inline functions to support code compiled by versions 5.5, or older, of the C and C++ compilers.
-keeptmp Retains the temporary files that are created during compilation.
-V Causes each invoked tool to print its version information on the standard error output.
-W Passes arguments to specific components of the compilation system.
-X Specifies the degree of conformance to the ISO C standard.
-xc99 Controls compiler recognition of the implemented features from the C99 standard (ISO/IEC 9899:1999, Programming Language - C).
-xchar Eases the migration of code from systems where the char type is defined as unsigned.
-xdryrun Shows each component as it would be invoked, but does not actually execute it. Also shows how command options would expand.
-xhelp Displays online help for compiler options or latest readme.
-xjobs Sets compilation for multiple processors.
-xpch Activates the precompiled-header feature.
-xpchstop Identifies the last include file to be considered in creating a precompiled-header file.
-xtemp Sets the directory the compiler uses for temporary files.
-xtime Causes the CC driver to report execution times for the various compilation passes.
-Y Specifies a new path for the location of compilation components.
-YA Specifies a directory dir to search for all compiler components.
-YI Changes default directory searched for include files.
-YP Changes default directory for finding library files.
-YS Changes default directory for startup object files.

C++ Compilation-Mode Options

Option Meaning
-dryrun Shows each component as it would be invoked, but does not actually execute it. Also shows how command options would expand.
-keeptmp Retains the temporary files that are created during compilation.
-xchar Eases the migration of code from systems where the char type is defined as unsigned.
-xhelp Displays online help for compiler options or latest readme.
-xjobs Sets compilation for multiple processors.
-xpch Activates the precompiled-header feature.
-xpchstop Identifies the last include file to be considered in creating a precompiled-header file.
-xtime Causes the CC driver to report execution times for the various compilation passes.
-Y Specifies a new path for the location of compilation components.

F95 Compilation-Mode Options

Option Meaning
-dryrun Shows each component as it would be invoked, but does not actually execute it. Also shows how command options would expand.
-V Causes each invoked tool to print its version information on the standard error output.
-xhelp Displays online help for compiler options or latest readme.
-xjobs Sets compilation for multiple processors.
-xtime Causes the CC driver to report execution times for the various compilation passes.

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