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Preprocessor Options Grouped by Language

C Preprocessor Options

Option Meaning
-Dname Defines a macro symbol name to the preprocessor.
-E Directs the CC driver to only preprocess the C++ source files, and to send the result to stdout (standard output).
-H Prints the path name of each include file contained in the current compilation to the standard error output.
-P Only preprocesses source; does not compile.
-Uname Removes any initial definition of the named macro symbol that was created by -D on the same command line, including those implicitly placed there by the command-line driver.
-xM1 Same as -xM, except that this option does not report dependencies for the /usr/include header files and it does not report dependencies for compiler-supplied header files.
-xM Runs only the preprocessor on the named C++ programs, requesting that it generate makefile dependencies and send the result to the standard outputx

C++ Preprocessor Options

Option Meaning
-Dname Defines a macro symbol name to the preprocessor.
-E Directs the CC driver to only preprocess the C++ source files, and to send the result to stdout (standard output).
-H Prints the path name of each include file contained in the current compilation to the standard error output.
-P Only preprocesses source; does not compile.
-Uname Removes any initial definition of the named macro symbol that was created by -D on the same command line, including those implicitly placed there by the command-line driver.
-xM1 Same as -xM, except that this option does not report dependencies for the /usr/include header files and it does not report dependencies for compiler-supplied header files.
-xM Runs only the preprocessor on the named C++ programs, requesting that it generate makefile dependencies and send the result to the standard outputx

F95 Preprocessor Options

Option Meaning
-Dname Defines a macro symbol name to the preprocessor.
-Uname Removes any initial definition of the named macro symbol that was created by -D on the same command line, including those implicitly placed there by the command-line driver.

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