Man Page er_cp.1


     er_cp - copy a performance experiment


     er_cp experiment1 experiment2

     er_cp experiment1 [ experiment2 ... ] directory

     er_cp -V


     er_cp copies one or more experiments as follows:

     o    If the last argument is a directory,  multiple  experi-
          ments may be given, and they are copied under their old
          names into that directory.

     o    If the last argument is a new  experiment  name,  er_cp
          copies  the  existing experiment specified by the first
          argument to the new name given by the second  argument.
          Only  one  input  experiment may be given.  If the last
          argument is an existing file, the  command  returns  an

     er_cp cannot be used to move experiment groups, and  returns
     an error if used on a group.

     er_cp cannot be used on experiments  recorded  with  earlier
     versions  of the tools; it exits with an error if invoked on
     such an experiment.


     -V    Report the version of er_cp.


     collect(1), er_mv(1), er_rm(1), and the
     Performance Analyzer manual.