Man Page prepare_system.1


     prepare_system - Prepare system for Sun Studio software


     prepare_system [-d directory ] [-R altroot ] [-C | -s netbe-
     ans   |  java  |  patches  |  all_patches  |  jdk_patches  |
     print_needed_steps ]


     The prepare_system command lets  you  check  the  system  on
     which  you  are going to run the Sun Studio software for the
     prerequisite software, and install any missing software. You
     can  check  the system without having root privileges on the
     system, but you must have root privileges to install missing


     -d directory
          When  specifying  the  -s  option  to  install  missing
          software,  use  this  option if you want to specify the
          directory in which to install the missing software.  If
          this option is not specified, the software is installed
          in the standard location.

     -R altroot
          Use this option to specify a root directory other  than
          the default /. Define the full path name of a directory
          to use as the altroot.  All  files,  including  package
          system  information files, are relocated to a directory
          tree starting in the specified altroot.

     -C   Lists the missing prerequisite software,  or  indicates
          that none is missing. If NetBeans C/C++ Development
          Pack 5.5.1 is installed, the command reports that netbeans 
          is missing because the multi-release of Sun Studio 12 IDE 
          requires NetBeans C/C++ Development  Pack 5.5.1 update 1.

     -s netbeans | java | patches | all_patches | jdk_patches | print_needed_steps
          netbeans installs NetBeans 5.5.1 IDE and NetBeans C/C++
          Development Pack 5.5.1 update 1. If  NetBeans  C/C++
          Development Pack is installed, it is replaced with NetBeans 
          C/C++ Development  Pack  5.5.1  update  1. java installs J2SE 
          Development Kit  (JDK)  5.0,  Update  9.  patches installs 
          required operating  system  patches.  all patches installs
          required  and  recommended  operating  system  patches.
          jdkpatches  installs  the  operating   system   patches
          required  by  the  JDK. print_needed_steps is an option
          used by the installer to list the missing software in a
          machine-readable format.


     Example 1: Checking your system for missing prerequisite software

     To  check your system for missing prerequisite software, use
     the -C option.

     prepare_system -C

     The output of the command is either a list  of  the  missing
     software,  or  a  message  indicating  that  no prerequisite
     software is missing.

     Example 2: Installing missing software in the standard locations

     To  install  JDK  5.0,  Update 9; and NetBeans 5.5.1 IDE and
     NetBeans C/C++ Development Pack 5.5.1 update 1 in their standard
     locations, use the -s option.

     prepare_system -s java,netbeans

     Example 3: Installing missing software in an alternate location

     By   default,   JDK   5.0,   Update   9   is   installed  in
     /usr/jdk/jdk1.5.0_09. To install the  JDK  in  an  alternate
     location, use the -d option with the -s option.

     prepare_system -d /usr/java -s java


     For information on copying the prerequisite software to  the
     system  prior to running the prepare_system command, see the
     System Preparation Tool readme.