Man Page tha.1


     tha - GUI for analyzing a Thread Analyzer experiment


     tha args


     The tha command invokes a  GUI  for  analyzing  the  various
     Thread Analyzer experiments collected by the Collector using
     the collect(1)  command.   The  GUI  is  a  version  of  the
     Analyzer  customized  for  examining Thread Analyzer experi-

     The Collector gathers Thread Analyzer information to  create
     a  thread-analyzer experiment during the execution of a pro-
     cess. The tha  command  reads  in  such  an  experiment  and
     displays  any  errors detected.  The current Thread Analyzer
     supports data-race detection and  deadlock  detection.   For
     further  information  on  those, see the sections "DATA-RACE

     A command-line version of the tha command  is  available  as
     the er_print(1) utility.

     To start tha, type the following on the command line:

          tha[ thread-analyzer-experiment]

     Both the tha command and the analyzer(1) command can be used
     to  read  a thread-analyzer experiment.  The tha command has
     the same functionality and features as the analyzer command,
     but  shows  a simplified set of default tabs that pertain to
     Thread Analyzer experiments.


     Option    Meaning

     -j|--jdkhome jvmpath
               Specify the path to the Java[TM]  virtual  machine
               (JVM)  software  for  running  the  analyzer.  The
               default path is taken first by examining  environ-
               ment variables for a path to the JVM, in the order
               JDK_HOME, and then JAVA_PATH. If neither  environ-
               ment  variable  is  set, the default path is where
               the Java[TM] 2 Platform, Standard Edition technol-
               ogy was installed with the Sun Studio release, and
               if it was not installed,  as  set  in  the  user's
               PATH.  (The terms "Java virtual machine" and "JVM"
               mean a virtual machine for the Java(TM) platform.)

     -J jvm-option
               Specify JVM(TM) software options.

     -f|--fontsize size
               Specify the font size to be used in the analyzer.

               Print version information and Java  runtime  argu-
               ments before starting.

               Print version information and exit.

               Print usage information and exit.


     The tha window has a menu bar, a tool bar, and a split  pane
     that contains tabs for the various displays.

     The left-hand pane contains tabs for the principal displays.
     The  tabs  that  are  actually  present in the pane are con-
     trolled by a rtabs directive in a .er.rc file.  The  Experi-
     ments  tab  is always shown.  The Races tab will be shown if
     data-race data is in one or more of the loaded  experiments.
     The  Deadlocks  tab will be shown if deadlock data is in one
     or more of the loaded experiments.  The Dual Source tab will
     be shown if either the Races or Deadlocks tabs are shown.

     By default, the Races tab is selected, if available.  If  it
     is  not  available,  the Deadlocks tab is selected, if it is
     available.  If neither is available,  only  the  Experiments
     tab will be visible.

     The Races Tab
          The Races tab is shown if data-race data is in  one  or
          more  of  the  experiments loaded. The tab presents the
          list  of  data-races  detected  in  the  program.    By
          default,  the first data-race in the list of data-races
          is selected.

          For each data-race, the following information is shown:

          (1) A unique id that identifies the data-race

          (2) One or more virtual  addresses  (Vaddr)  associated
          with  the data-race.  If the data-race occurs on multi-
          ple virtual addresses, then "(Multiple  Addresses)"  is
          shown instead of a single address.

          (3) The two accesses by two different threads that con-
          stitute  the  data-race.   For each access, the type of
          the access (Read or Write) is shown,  as  well  as  the
          function,  offset,  and  line number in the source code
          where the access occurred.
          (4) The total number  of  traces  associated  with  the
          data-race.  The  individual  traces can be displayed by
          clicking on the  button  to  the  left  of  the  "Total
          Traces" label.

          Each trace refers to the pair of thread  callstacks  at
          the  time  the two data-race accesses occurred.  When a
          trace is selected, the two callstacks will be displayed
          in  the  Race Details tab in the right-hand pane of the
          tha window (see below). The frame at  the  top  of  the
          callstack for the first access is selected by default.

     The Deadlocks Tab
          The Deadlocks tab is shown if deadlock data is  in  one
          or more of the experiments loaded. The tab presents the
          list of deadlocks detected in the program.  By  default
          the   first  deadlock  in  the  list  of  deadlocks  is

          For each deadlock, the following information is shown:

          (1)  A unique id that identifies the deadlock

          (2) The type of the deadlock (potential or actual)

          (3)  The  total  number  of  threads  involved  in  the

          The context of each thread can be displayed by clicking
          on the button to the left of the "Total Threads" label.
          Each  thread   context   shows   the   two   operations
          corresponding  to  holding a first lock and deadlocking
          attempting to acquire a second lock.

          When a thread context is selected, the  two  callstacks
          where the lock hold and lock request took place will be
          displayed in the Deadlock Details tab in the right-hand
          pane of the tha window (see below).

     The Dual Source Tab
          The Dual Source tab is shown  if  either  data-race  or
          deadlock  data  is  in  one  or more of the experiments
          loaded.  The Dual Source tab shows the two source loca-
          tions pertaining to the selected data-race or deadlock.

          For a selected data-race, the Dual Source tab shows the
          source  locations for the two accesses of the data-race
          selected, as shown in the  Race  Details  tab.   For  a
          selected  deadlock,  the  Dual Source tab shows the two
          operations corresponding to holding a  first  lock  and
          deadlocking  attempting to acquire a second lock by the
          thread selected, as shown in the Deadlock Details tab.
          The source line where the access occurred  will  appear
          highlighted.   If the source code was compiled with -g,
          then compiler commentary may appear interleaved in  the
          source code.

          To the left of each source line, metrics that relate to
          that source line are shown. For data-races, the default
          metric shown is the  Exclusive  Race  Accesses  metric;
          this  metric  gives  a  count  of the number of times a
          data-race  access  was  reported  on  that  line.   For
          deadlocks,  the  default  metric shown is the Exclusive
          Deadlocks metric; this metric  gives  a  count  of  the
          number  of times a lock hold or lock request operation,
          which was involved in a deadlock, was reported on  that

          Exclusive metrics relate to the source  line  at  which
          they  appear  only.  Inclusive  metrics  relate  to the
          source line at which they appear and to  any  functions
          that  have  been  called  from that source line.  Count
          metrics are shown as an integer count.  Percentages are
          shown  to  a  precision of 0.01%.  Because of rounding,
          percentages may not sum to exactly 100%.

          The metrics that are shown can be changed using the Set
          Data  Presentation  dialog box (see "Selecting the Data
          Presentation Options" below).

          To  reorder  the  columns  of  metrics  in  the  source
          display,  drag  the column header to the place you want
          it to appear.

     The Experiments Tab
          The Experiments tab is divided into two panels. The top
          panel  shows  a  tree  that contains nodes for the load
          objects in the  experiment  loaded.  The  bottom  panel
          lists error and warning messages from the tha session.

          For more information about the Experiments  tab,  refer
          to the analyzer(1) man page.


     The right-hand pane of the  tha  window  contains  tabs  for
     displaying  additional  information  about a data-race.  The
     Summary tab is always shown.  The Race Details tab is  shown
     if the Races tab is shown; the Deadlock Details tab is shown
     if the Deadlocks tab is shown.

     The Summary Tab
          The Summary  tab  shows  summary  information  about  a
          data-race selected from the Races tab. This information
          includes the object file name, source file name, and PC
          (program counter) address.

     The Race Details Tab
          The Race Details tab is selected whenever the Races tab
          is raised, and a selection made from the Races tab.  It
          shows detailed information about a data-race  or  trace
          selected from the Races tab.

          The Race Details tab is divided  into  two  panes.  The
          upper  pane shows information about the first access of
          a selected data-race or trace  (Access  1).  The  lower
          pane  shows  information  about  the second access of a
          selected data-race or trace (Access 2).

          When a data-race or a trace is selected from the  Races
          tab, the Race Details tab shows the following:

          (1) The data-race or trace id

          (2) The virtual address  (Vaddr)  associated  with  the
          data-race.  If the data-race occurs on multiple virtual
          addresses, then "(Multiple Addresses)" is shown instead
          of a single address.

          In addition, for each of the  two  accesses,  the  Race
          Details tab shows the following:

          o Whether the data-race access is read or write

          o If a data-race from the Races tab is  selected,  then
          the  Race  Details  tab shows the leaf PC of the thread
          when the data-race access occurred. If,  on  the  other
          hand,  a trace from the Races tab is selected, then the
          Race Details tab shows the callstack of the thread when
          the data-race access occurred. By default, the frame at
          the top of the callstack is selected.

     The Deadlock Details Tab
          The Deadlock  Details  tab  is  selected  whenever  the
          Deadlocks  tab is raised, and a selection made from the
          Deadlocks Tab.  It shows detailed information  about  a
          thread context selected from the Deadlocks tab.

          For each thread  context  selected,  the  deadlock  id,
          deadlock  type,  and thread id are shown.  In addition,
          for each of the two lock operations involved, the  type
          of  lock  operation  (lock  being  held  or  lock being
          requested) and the callstacks of the thread are  shown.
          By  default,  the frame at the top of each callstack is


     A data-race occurs when two or more threads in a single pro-
     cess  access the same memory location concurrently, at least
     one of the accesses is for writing, and the threads are  not
     using  any exclusive locks to control their accesses to that
     memory. In such situations, the order of  accesses  is  non-
     deterministic,   and  the  computation  may  give  different
     results depending on that  order.  Some  data-races  may  be
     benign  (for  example,  when the memory access is used for a
     busy-wait), but many data-races are bugs in the program.

     Data-race-detection experiments record data-races  that  are
     detected  during  the execution of a multi-threaded process.
     Data-race detection works on multi-threaded programs written
     using  POSIX  thread  APIs, Solaris thread APIs, OpenMP, Sun
     parallel directives, Cray parallel directives, or a  mix  of
     the above.

     There are three steps involved in detecting data-races:

     Step 1: Instrument the source code

          In order to enable data-race detection  in  a  program,
          the  source  files must be compiled with a special com-
          piler option. This special option for each of  C,  C++,
          and Fortan 90 is:


          For data race detection in a program parallelized using
          OpenMP  directives, Sun directives, or Cray directives,
          a new version of libmtsk is needed.  At product release
          time,  a  patch  for  that  version will be issued; but
          prior to that, a copy of that library is installed with
          the  bits,  and will be automatically picked up by col-

     Step 2: Create a data-race-detection experiment

          Use the collect command with the -r race  flag  to  run
          the program and create a data-race-detection experiment
          during the execution of the process.

          Data-race-detection data collected consists of pairs of
          data-accesses   that  constitute  a  race.   Data-race-
          detection data is converted into  the  "Race  Accesses"

          See collect(1) for more information.

     Step 3: Examine the data-race-detection experiment

          A data-race-detection experiment can be  examined  with
          either  the  tha or analyzer command (GUI), or with the
          er_print utility (command-line).

          Both the tha and the analyzer commands  present  a  GUI
          interface;  the  former  presents  a  simplified set of
          default  tabs,  but  is  otherwise  identical  to   the
          analyzer.   The  er_print  utility,  on the other hand,
          presents a command-line interface.


     Deadlock describes a condition where two or more threads are
     blocked  (hung)  forever,  waiting for each other. There are
     many causes of deadlocks; these  include  erroneous  program
     logic,  inappropriate  use of synchronizations and barriers,
     and so on.

     The Thread Analyzer detects deadlocks  that  are  caused  by
     inappropriate  use  of  mutual exclusion locks. This kind of
     deadlock is commonly encountered in multi-threaded  applica-
     tions.   Suppose we have a process with two or more threads.
     A deadlock caused by inappropriate use of  mutual  exclusion
     locks occurs when the following three conditions hold:

     (1) Threads already holding locks request new locks,

     (2) The requests are made concurrently, and

     (3) Two or more threads form a  circular  chain  where  each
     thread  waits  for  a lock that the next thread in the chain

     Here is an example of a deadlock condition:

     Thread 1:  holds lock A, requests lock B
     Thread 2:  holds lock B, requests lock A

     A deadlock in a particular run  of  the  program  can  be  a
     potential  deadlock  or  an  actual  deadlock.  A  potential
     deadlock is a deadlock that did not actually  occur  in  the
     run  of the program, but can occur in other runs of the pro-
     gram, depending on the scheduling of threads and the timings
     of  requests for locks by the threads. An actual deadlock is
     a deadlock that actually occurred in the run of the program.
     An  actual deadlock causes the threads involved to hang, but
     may or may not cause the whole process to hang.

     Deadlock-detection experiments  record  both  potential  and
     actual deadlocks that are detected during the execution of a
     multi-threaded process. Deadlock detection works  on  multi-
     threaded  programs  written using POSIX thread APIs, Solaris
     thread APIs, OpenMP, Sun parallel directives, Cray  parallel
     directives, or a mix of the above.

     There are two steps involved in detecting deadlocks:

     Step 1: Create a deadlock-detection experiment

          Use the collect command with the -r  deadlock  flag  to
          run the program and create a deadlock-detection experi-
          ment during the execution of the process.

          Deadlock-detection  data  collected  consists  of  lock
          holds  and  lock  requests  that form a circular chain.
          Deadlock-detection   data   is   converted   into   the
          "Deadlocks" metric.

          See collect(1) for more information.

     Step 2: Examine the deadlock-detection experiment

          A deadlock-detection experiment can  be  examined  with
          either  the  tha or analyzer command (GUI), or with the
          er_print utility (command-line).

          Both the tha and the analyzer commands  present  a  GUI
          interface;  the  former  presents  a  simplified set of
          default  tabs,  but  is  otherwise  identical  to   the
          analyzer.   The  er_print  utility,  on the other hand,
          presents a command-line interface.


     You can control the presentation of data from the  Set  Data
     Presentation  dialog  box. To open this dialog box, click on
     the Set Data Presentation button in the tool bar, or  choose
     Set Data Presentation from the View menu.

     The Set Data Presentation dialog box has a tabbed pane  with
     seven  tabs.   Refer  to  the  analyzer(1) man page for more


     The Thread Analyzer processes directives from a .er.rc  file
     in  the current directory, if present; from a .er.rc file in
     the user's home directory, if present;  and  from  a  system
     er.rc file installed with the product.

     These .er.rc files can contain default  settings  for  which
     tabs  are  visible  (rtabs),  when  the  Thread  Analyzer is
     brought up.  The tabs are named by the er_print command  for
     the  corresponding  report,  except for the Experiments Tab,
     named headers, the Timeline Tab, named  timeline,  the  Dual
     Source  Tab,  named  dsrc,  and  the Source/Disassembly tab,
     named srcdis.
     The .er.rc files  can  also  contain  default  settings  for
     metrics,  sorting,  and  for  specifying compiler commentary
     options and highlighting thresholds for source and disassem-
     bly  output.   The  files  also  specify a path for C++ name
     demangling for other compilers, as well as default  settings
     for  the  Timeline tab, and for name formatting, and setting
     View Mode (viewmode).

     The  .er.rc  files  can  also  contain  a  setting,  en_desc
     {on|off}  to  control  whether or not descendant experiments
     are selected and read when the founder experiment is read.

     The .er.rc files can also contain directives to control  the
     search  path  for  source  and  object  files. In the Thread
     Analyzer, an .er.rc file can be saved  by  clicking  on  the
     Save  button  in the Set Data Presentation dialog box, which
     you can open from the View menu. Saving an .er.rc file  from
     the Set Data Presentation dialog box not only affects subse-
     quent invocations of  the  Thread  Analyzer,  but  also  the
     er_print utility and er_src utility.  See the description of
     these directives and files, and  their  processing,  in  the
     er_print(1) man page.

     The Thread Analyzer puts a message into  its  Errors/Warning
     logs  areas  naming  the  user  .er.rc  files  it processed,
     including any processing message generated when any  tab  is


     analyzer(1),    collect(1),     er_archive(1),     er_cp(1),
     er_export(1),  er_mv(1),  er_print(1),  er_rm(1), er_src(1),
     tha(1), and the Performance Analyzer manual.