Sun Studio 12 Update 1: C User's Guide

2.9.8 hdrstop

#pragma hdrstop

The hdrstop pragma must be placed after the last header file to identify the end of the viable prefix in each source file that is to share the same precompiled-header file. For example, consider the following files:

example% cat a.c
#include "a.h"
#include "b.h"
#include "c.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include "d.h"
example% cat b.h
#include "a.h"
#include "b.h"
#include "c.h"

The viable source prefix ends at c.h so you would insert a #pragma hdrstop after c.h in each file.

#pragma hdrstop must only appear at the end of the viable prefix of a source file that is specified with the cc command. Do not specify #pragma hdrstop in any include file.