Sun Studio 12 Update 1: C User's Guide

A.1.4 Numerics and Floating Point Options

Table A–4 Numerics and Floating Point Options Table




(x86) Controls floating point evaluation.


(SPARC) Enables automatic generation of floating-point, fused, multiply-add instructions. 


Causes nonstandard initialization of floating-point arithmetic hardware.


(SPARC) Turns on the SPARC nonstandard floating-point mode.


(x86) Initializes the rounding-precision mode bits in the Floating-point Control Word


Sets the IEEE 754 rounding mode that is established at runtime during the program initialization.


Allows the optimizer to make simplifying assumptions concerning floating-point arithmetic.


Causes the compiler to evaluate float expressions as single precision rather than double precision.


(x86) Causes the compiler to convert the value of a floating-point expression or function to the type on the left-hand side of an assignment


Sets the IEEE 754 trapping mode in effect at startup.


(x86) Does not convert the value of a floating-point expression or function to the type on the left-hand side of an assignment


Analyzes loops for inter-iteration data dependencies and does loop restructuring.


Forces IEEE 754 style return values for math routines in exceptional cases.


Represents unsuffixed floating-point constants as single precision


Enable automatic generation of calls to the vector library functions.