Sun Studio 12 Update 1: C User's Guide

B.2.99 -xipo[=a]

Replace a with 0, 1, or 2. -xipo without any arguments is equivalent -xipo=1. -xipo=0 is the default setting and turns off -xipo. With -xipo=1, the compiler performs inlining across all source files.

With -xipo=2, the compiler performs interprocedural aliasing analysis as well as optimizations of memory allocation and layout to improve cache performance.

The compiler performs partial-program optimizations by invoking an interprocedural analysis component. It performs optimizations across all object files in the link step, and is not limited to just the source files of the compile command. However, whole-program optimizations performed with -xipo do not include assembly (.s) source files.

You must specify -xipo both at compile time and at link time. For a complete list of all compiler options that must be specified at both compile time and at link time, see Table A–2.

The -xipo option generates significantly larger object files due to the additional information needed to perform optimizations across files. However, this additional information does not become part of the final executable binary file. Any increase in the size of the executable program is due to the additional optimizations performed. The object files created in the compilation steps have additional analysis information compiled within them to permit crossfile optimizations to take place at the link step.

-xipo is particularly useful when compiling and linking large multi-file applications. Object files compiled with this flag have analysis information compiled within them that enables interprocedural analysis across source and pre-compiled program files.

However, analysis and optimization is limited to the object files compiled with -xipo, and does not extend to object files or libraries.

-xipo is multiphased, so you need to specify -xipo for each step if you compile and link in separate steps.

Other important information about -xipo:

B.2.99.1 Examples

In this example, compilation and linking occur in a single step:

cc -xipo -xO4 -o prog part1.c part2.c part3.c

The optimizer performs crossfile inlining across all three source files. This is done in the final link step, so the compilation of the source files need not all take place in a single compilation and could take place over a number of separate compilations, each specifying -xipo.

In this example, compilation and linking occur in separate steps:

cc -xipo -xO4 -c part1.c part2.c
cc -xipo -xO4 -c part3.c
cc -xipo -xO4 -o prog part1.o part2.o part3.o

A restriction is that libraries, even if compiled with -xipo, do not participate in crossfile interprocedural analysis, as this example shows:

cc -xipo -xO4 one.c two.c three.c
ar -r mylib.a one.o two.o three.o
cc -xipo -xO4 -o myprog main.c four.c mylib.a

Here interprocedural optimizations are performed between one.c, two.c and three.c, and between main.c and four.c, but not between main.c or four.c and the routines on mylib.a. (The first compilation may generate warnings about undefined symbols, but the interprocedural optimizations are performed because it is a compile and link step.)

B.2.99.2 When Not To Use -xipo=2 Interprocedural Analysis

The compiler tries to perform whole-program analysis and optimizations as it works with the set of object files in the link step. The compiler makes the following two assumptions for any function (or subroutine) foo() defined in this set of object files:

Do not compile with either -xipo=1 or -xipo=2, if assumption 2 is not true.

As an example, consider interposing on the function malloc() with your own version and compiling with -xipo=2. Consequently, all the functions in any library that reference malloc() that are linked with your code have to be compiled with -xipo=2 also and their object files need to participate in the link step. Since this might not be possible for system libraries, do not compile your version of malloc with -xipo=2.

As another example, suppose that you build a shared library with two external calls, foo() and bar() inside two different source files. Furthermore, suppose that bar() calls foo(). If there is a possibility that foo() could be interposed at runtime, then do not compile the source file for foo() or for bar() with -xipo=1 or -xipo=2. Otherwise, foo() could be inlined into bar(), which could cause incorrect results.