Sun Studio 12 Update 1: C++ User's Guide

10.5 Cache Member Variables

Accessing member variables is a common operation in C++ member functions.

The compiler must often load member variables from memory through the this pointer. Because values are being loaded through a pointer, the compiler sometimes cannot determine when a second load must be performed or whether the value loaded before is still valid. In these cases, the compiler must choose the safe, but slow, approach and reload the member variable each time it is accessed.

You can avoid unnecessary memory reloads by explicitly caching the values of member variables in local variables, as follows:

This optimization is most productive when the values can reside in registers, as is the case with primitive types. The optimization may also be productive for memory-based values because the reduced aliasing gives the compiler more opportunity to optimize.

This optimization may be counter productive if the member variable is often passed by reference, either explicitly or implicitly.

On occasion, the desired semantics of a class requires explicit caching of member variables, for instance when there is a potential alias between the current object and one of the member function’s arguments. For example:

complex& operator*= (complex& left, complex& right)
  left.real = left.real * right.real + left.imag * right.imag;
  left.imag = left.real * right.imag + left.image * right.real;

will yield unintended results when called with:
