Sun Studio 12 Update 1: C++ User's Guide

A.2.191.1 Values

c must be one of the following values:

Table A–53 The -Y Flags



Changes the default directory for cpp.

Changes the default directory for ccfe.

Changes the default directory for fbe.

2 (SPARC)  

Changes the default directory for iropt.

c (SPARC)  

Changes the default directory for cg.


Changes the default directory for ipo.

Changes the default directory for CClink.

Changes the default directory for ld.

Changes the default directory for c++filt.

Changes the default directory for mcs.

u (x86)

Changes the default directory for ube.

h (x86)

Changes the default directory for ir2hf.

Specifies a directory to search for all compiler components. If a component is not found in path, the search reverts to the directory where the compiler is installed. 

Adds path to the default library search path. This path will be searched before the default library search paths. 

Changes the default directory for startup object files 


You can have multiple -Y options on a command line. If more than one -Y option is applied to any one component, then the last occurrence holds.

See also

Solaris Linker and Libraries Guide