Sun Studio 12 Update 1: C++ User's Guide

A.2.4.1 Values

binding must be one of the following:




Directs the link editor to look for (shared) files, and if they are not found, to look for liblib.a (static, nonshared) files. Use this option if you want shared library bindings for linking.


Directs the link editor to look only for liblib.a (static, nonshared) files. Use this option if you want nonshared library bindings for linking.


Forces symbols to be resolved within a shared library if possible, even when a symbol is already defined elsewhere. 

See the ld(1) man page.

(No space is allowed between –B and the binding value.)


If -B is not specified, –Bdynamic is assumed.


To link the C++ default libraries statically, use the –staticlib option.

The -Bstatic and -Bdynamic options affect the linking of the libraries that are provided by default. To ensure that the default libraries are linked dynamically, the last use of –B should be –Bdynamic.

In a 64-bit environment, many system libraries are available only as shared dynamic libraries. These include and (libm.a and libc.a are not provided). As a result, -Bstatic and -dn may cause linking errors in 64-bit Solaris operating systems. Applications must link with the dynamic libraries in these cases.


The following compiler command links libfoo.a even if exists; all other libraries are linked dynamically:

example% CC a.o –Bstatic –lfoo –Bdynamic


Never use -Bsymbolic with programs containing C++ code, use linker map files instead.

With -Bsymbolic, references in different modules can bind to different copies of what is supposed to be one global object.

The exception mechanism relies on comparing addresses. If you have two copies of something, their addresses won’t compare equal, and the exception mechanism can fail because the exception mechanism relies on comparing what are supposed to be unique addresses.

If you compile and link in separate steps and are using the -Bbinding option, you must include the option in the link step.

See also

–nolib, –staticlib, ld(1), 12.5 Statically Linking Standard Libraries, Linker and Libraries Guide