Sun Studio 12 Update 1: C++ User's Guide


If you use the option -xdumpmacros=use,no%loc, the name of each macro that is used is printed only once. However, if you want more detail, use the option -xdumpmacros=use,loc so the location and macro name is printed every time a macro is used.

Consider the following file t.c:

example% cat t.c
#ifdef FOO
#undef FOO
#define COMPUTE(a, b) a+b
#define COMPUTE(a,b) a-b
int n = COMPUTE(5,2);
int j = COMPUTE(7,1);
#if COMPUTE(8,3) + NN + MM
int k = 0;

The following examples show the output for file t.c based on the defs, undefs, sys, and loc arguments.

example% CC -c -xdumpmacros -DFOO t.c
#define __SunOS_5_9 1
#define __SUNPRO_CC 0x590
#define unix 1
#define sun 1
#define sparc 1
#define __sparc 1
#define __unix 1
#define __sun 1
#define __SVR4 1
#define __SUNPRO_CC_COMPAT 5
#define __SUN_PREFETCH 1
#define FOO 1
#undef FOO
#define COMPUTE(a, b) a + b

example% CC -c -xdumpmacros=defs,undefs,loc -DFOO -UBAR t.c
command line: #define __SunOS_5_9 1
command line: #define __SUNPRO_CC 0x590
command line: #define unix 1
command line: #define sun 1
command line: #define sparc 1
command line: #define __sparc 1
command line: #define __unix 1
command line: #define __sun 1
command line: #define __BUILTIN_VA_ARG_INCR 1
command line: #define __SVR4 1
command line: #define __SUNPRO_CC_COMPAT 5
command line: #define __SUN_PREFETCH 1
command line: #define FOO 1
command line: #undef BAR
t.c, line 2: #undef FOO
t.c, line 3: #define COMPUTE(a, b) a + b

The following examples show how the use, loc, and conds arguments report macro behavior in file t.c:

example% CC -c -xdumpmacros=use t.c
used macro COMPUTE

example% CC -c -xdumpmacros=use,loc t.c
t.c, line 7: used macro COMPUTE
t.c, line 8: used macro COMPUTE

example% CC -c -xdumpmacros=use,conds t.c
used macro FOO
used macro COMPUTE
used macro NN
used macro MM

example% CC -c -xdumpmacros=use,conds,loc t.c
t.c, line 1: used macro FOO
t.c, line 7: used macro COMPUTE
t.c, line 8: used macro COMPUTE
t.c, line 9: used macro COMPUTE
t.c, line 9: used macro NN
t.c, line 9: used macro MM

Consider the file y.c:

example% cat y.c
#define X 1
#define Y X
#define Z Y
int a = Z;

Here is the output from -xdumpmacros=use,loc based on the macros in y.c:

example% CC -c -xdumpmacros=use,loc y.c
y.c, line 4: used macro Z
y.c, line 4: used macro Y
y.c, line 4: used macro X