Sun Studio 12 Update 1: C++ User's Guide

Checking for Changes to Packing of Bitfields

Use -xport64 to generate warnings against long bitfields. In the presence of such bitfields, packing of the bitfields might drastically change. Any program which relies on assumptions regarding the way bitfields are packed needs to be reviewed before a successful port can take place to a 64-bit architecture.

example% cat test4.c
#include <stdio.h>

union U {
   struct S {
       unsigned long b1:20;
       unsigned long b2:20;
   } s;

   long buf[2];
} u;

int main() {
   u.s.b1 = 0XFFFFF;
   u.s.b2 = 0XFFFFF;
   printf(" u.buf[0] = %lx u.buf[1] = %lx\n", u.buf[0], u.buf[1]);
   return 0;

Output in V9:

example% u.buf[0] = ffffffffff000000 u.buf[1] = 0