Sun Studio 12 Update 1: Performance Analyzer

Filtering Data

By default, data is shown in each tab for all experiments, all samples, all threads, all LWPs, and all CPUs. A subset of data can be selected using the Filter Data dialog box.

The Filter Data dialog box has a Simple tab and an Advanced tab.

For details about using the Filter Data dialog box, refer to the online help.

The filters described here are independent of the MPI filtering described in The MPI Timeline Controls tab and The MPI Chart Controls Tab. These filters do not affect the MPI Timeline tab and the MPI Chart tab.

Simple Tab

In the Simple tab, you can select the experiments for which you want to filter data. You can then specify the samples, threads, LWPs, and CPUs for which to display metrics. You can select one or more experiments from the Experiment list by clicking on the experiments or using Select All, Clear All, or Reverse buttons. You can then use the text boxes to change the data that is displayed for those experiments. All three filters can be applied simultaneously, although you should take care when you interpret data that is filtered by more than one of CPUs, threads, and LWPs. Use the Enable All, Enable Selected, Disable All, and Disable Selected buttons to enable or disable data display for experiments.

Experiment Selection

The Analyzer allows filtering by experiment when more than one experiment is loaded. The experiments can be loaded individually, or by naming an experiment group.

Sample Selection

Samples are numbered from 1 to N, and you can select any set of samples. The selection consists of a comma-separated list of sample numbers or ranges such as 1–5.

Thread Selection

Threads are numbered from 1 to N, and you can select any set of threads. The selection consists of a comma-separated list of thread numbers or ranges. Profile data for threads only covers that part of the run where the thread was actually scheduled on an LWP.

LWP Selection

LWPs are numbered from 1 to N, and you can select any set of LWPs. The selection consists of a comma-separated list of LWP numbers or ranges. If synchronization data is recorded, the LWP reported is the LWP at entry to a synchronization event, which might be different from the LWP at exit from the synchronization event.

On Linux systems, threads and LWPs are synonymous.

CPU Selection

Where CPU information is recorded (Solaris OS), any set of CPUs can be selected. The selection consists of a comma-separated list of CPU numbers or ranges.

Advanced Tab

In the Advanced tab, you can specify a filter expression that evaluates as true for any data record you want to include in the display. For information on the grammar to use in a filter expression, see Expression Grammar.

To display the Advanced tab, click the rightmost button on the tool bar, or if the Filter Dialog box is open, click the tab

The Advanced tab consists of a header and a filter-specification text box. The header has a text read-only field for entering a filter clause, and buttons to append with AND, append with OR, or set the filter to that clause. The contents of the field are loaded to reflect any single selection or multiple selection from the Function tab, DataObject tab, DataLayout tab, or any MemoryObject tabs. When you click one of the buttons, the selection is translated into a clause, which is then added to, or replaces, the filter specification.

When you have composed the filter, either by text-entry into the filter specification field, or by adding clauses, click OK or Apply to set the filter.

If the filter is incorrectly specified, an error will be posted, and the old filter setting will remain.