Sun Studio 12 Update 1: dbx コマンドによるデバッグ

子プロセスにおける RTC の実行

子プロセスで RTC を実行するには、dbx 環境変数 rtc_inheriton に設定します。デフォルトでは off になります (dbx 環境変数の設定」を参照)。

dbx は、親で RTC が有効になっていて、dbx 環境変数 follow_fork_modechild に設定されている場合、子プロセスの RTC を実行できます (dbx 環境変数の設定」を参照)。

分岐が発生すると、dbx は子に RTC を自動的に実行します。プログラムが exec() を呼び出すと、exec() を呼び出すプログラムの RTC 設定がそのプログラムに渡ります。

特定の時間に RTC の制御下におくことができるプロセスは 1 つだけです。次に例を示します。

% cat -n program1.c
     1 #include <sys/types.h>
     2 #include <unistd.h>
     3 #include <stdio.h>
     5 int
     6 main()
     7 {
     8      pid_t child_pid;
     9      int parent_i, parent_j;
    11      parent_i = parent_j;
    13      child_pid = fork();
    15      if (child_pid == -1) {
    16          printf("parent: Fork failed\n");
    17          return 1;
    18      } else if (child_pid == 0) {
    19          int child_i, child_j;
    21          printf("child: In child\n");
    22          child_i = child_j;
    23          if (execl("./program2", NULL) == -1) {
    24              printf("child: exec of program2 failed\n");
    25              exit(1);
    26          }
    27      } else {
    28          printf("parent: child’s pid = %d\n", child_pid);
    29      }
    30      return 0;
    31 }

 % cat -n program2.c
     2 #include <stdio.h>
     4 main()
     5 {
     6      int program2_i, program2_j;
     8      printf ("program2: pid = %d\n", getpid());
     9      program2_i = program2_j;
    11      malloc(8);
    13      return 0;
    14 }

 % cc -g -o program1 program1.c
 % cc -g -o program2 program2.c
 % dbx -C program1
 Reading symbolic information for program1
 Reading symbolic information for rtld /usr/lib/
 Reading symbolic information for
 Reading symbolic information for
 Reading symbolic information for
 Reading symbolic information for
 (dbx) check -all
 access checking - ON
 memuse checking - ON
 (dbx) dbxenv rtc_inherit on
 (dbx) dbxenv follow_fork_mode child
 (dbx) run
 Running: program1
 (process id 3885)
 Enabling Error Checking... done
RTC reports first error in the parent, program1
 Read from uninitialized (rui):
 Attempting to read 4 bytes at address 0xeffff110
     which is 104 bytes above the current stack pointer
 Variable is ’parent_j’
 Current function is main
   11       parent_i = parent_j;
(dbx) cont
 dbx: warning: Fork occurred; error checking disabled in parent
 detaching from process 3885
 Attached to process 3886
Because  follow_fork_mode is set to child, when the fork occurs error checking is switched from the parent to the child process
 stopped in _fork at 0xef6b6040
 0xef6b6040: _fork+0x0008:    bgeu    _fork+0x30
 Current function is main
    13       child_pid = fork();
 parent: child’s pid = 3886
 (dbx) cont
 child: In child
 Read from uninitialized (rui):
 Attempting to read 4 bytes at address 0xeffff108
     which is 96 bytes above the current stack pointer
RTC reports an error in the child
 Variable is ’child_j’
 Current function is main
    22       child_i = child_j;
 (dbx) cont
 dbx: process 3886 about to exec("./program2")
 dbx: program "./program2" just exec’ed
 dbx: to go back to the original program use "debug $oprog"
 Reading symbolic information for program2
 Skipping, already read
 Skipping, already read
 Skipping, already read
 Skipping, already read
 Skipping, already read
When the exec of program2 occurs, the RTC settings are inherited by program2 so access and memory use checking are enabled for that process
 Enabling Error Checking... done
 stopped in main at line 8 in file "program2.c"
     8       printf ("program2: pid = %d\n", getpid());
(dbx) cont
 program2: pid = 3886
 Read from uninitialized (rui):
 Attempting to read 4 bytes at address 0xeffff13c
     which is 100 bytes above the current stack pointer
RTC reports an access error in the executed program, program2
 Variable is ’program2_j’
 Current function is main
     9       program2_i = program2_j;
 (dbx) cont
 Checking for memory leaks...
RTC prints a memory use and  memory leak report for the process that exited while under RTC control, program2
Actual leaks report   (actual leaks:      1  total size:   8

 Total      Num of  Leaked     Allocation call stack
 Size       Blocks  Block
==========  ====== ========== ====================================
         8       1    0x20c50  main
 Possible leaks report  (possible leaks:   0  total size:   0

 execution completed, exit code is 0