Sun Studio 12 Update 1: dbx コマンドによるデバッグ

list                      // list N lines starting at current line
list +5                      // list next 5 lines starting at current line
list -                    // list previous N lines
list -20                  // list previous 20 lines
list 1000                 // list line 1000
list 1000,$               // list from line 1000 to last line
list 2737 +24             // list line 2737 and next 24 lines
list 1000 -20             // list line 980 to 1000
list           // list source line 33 in file
list -w                   // list N lines around current line
list -w8 ””func1   // list 8 lines around function func1
list -i 500 +10                // list source and assembly code for line
                500 to line 510