Java Dynamic Management Kit 5.0 Tutorial

Running the Minimal Agent Example

The example code for the MinimalAgent application is located in the examplesDir/MinimalAgent directory. This agent application only has minimal output and is intended to be accessed for management through one of its communication MBeans. However, you will need to compile and start the minimal agent before continuing on to the next chapter.

To Run the Minimal Agent Example
  1. Compile the file in the examplesDir/MinimalAgent directory with the javac command.

    For example, on the Solaris platform, type:

    $ cd examplesDir/MinimalAgent/
    $ javac -classpath classpath *.java

    When we access the minimal agent through the HTML adaptor, we will instantiate the SimpleStandard and SimpleDynamic classes. Because we do not use a dynamic class loader, the agent will need these classes at runtime. You must compile the standard and dynamic MBean classes as described in Running the Standard MBean Example and Running the Dynamic MBean Example.

  2. To run the example, update your classpath to find the MBeans and start the agent class:

    $ java -classpath classpath:../StandardMBean:../DynamicMBean MinimalAgent

Because this is a minimal agent, the example does not have much output. The MBean server is started, and the three communication MBeans are created. It is now possible to connect to this agent. Management applications can connect through the HTTP and RMI connector servers, as described in Connector Servers.

The simplest way to communicate with the agent is through the HTML protocol adaptor. This adaptor provides a view of the agent and its MBeans through standard HTML pages that can be viewed on almost any web browser.

To connect to the agent, load the following URL in your browser:

If you get an error, you might have to switch off proxies in your preference settings or substitute your host name for localhost. Any browser on your local network can also connect to this agent by using your host name in this URL. Chapter 6, HTML Protocol Adaptor details how to manage this agent from its web view.