Java Dynamic Management Kit 5.0 Tutorial

Running the Heartbeat Example

The examplesDir/HeartBeat directory contains all of the files for the Agent and Client applications that demonstrate the heartbeat mechanism through an RMI connector.

To Run the Heartbeat Example: Normal Termination
  1. Compile all files in this directory with the javac command.

    For example, on the Solaris platform with the Korn shell, type:

    $ cd examplesDir/HeartBeat/
    $ javac -classpath classpath *.java

    To demonstrate the various communication scenarios, we will run the example three times: once to see a normal termination, once to see how the manager reacts to a lost connection, and once to see how the agent reacts to a lost connection.

  2. Start the agent on another host or in another terminal window with the following command:

    $ java -classpath classpath Agent

    The agent only creates the RMI connector server to which the client application will establish a connection, and then it waits for management operations.

  3. Wait for the agent to be completely initialized, then start the manager with the following command, where hostname is the name of the host running the agent.

    The RMI connector in this example uses port 1099 by default. If you started the agent on the same host, you can omit the hostname and the port number:

    $ java -classpath classpath Client hostname 1099

    The client application creates the RMI connector client, configures its heartbeat, and registers a notification listener, as seen in the code examples. When the connection is established, the listener outputs the notification information in the terminal window.

  4. Press Enter in the manager window to call the disconnect method on the connector client and stop the Client application.

    In the terminal window, the heartbeat notification listener outputs the information for the normal connection termination before the application ends.

  5. Leave the agent application running for the next scenario.

To Run the Heartbeat Example: Connector Client Reaction
  1. Start the Client application again:

    $ java -classpath classpath Client hostname 1099
  2. When the connection is established, press Control-C in the agent's window to stop the connector server and the agent application.

    This simulates a broken communication channel as seen by the connector client.

    Less than a second later, when the next heartbeat fails, the heartbeat retrying notification is displayed in the manager's terminal window. Two seconds later, after both retries have failed, the lost connection and terminated connection notifications are displayed.

  3. Press Enter in the manager window to exit the Client application.

To Run the Heartbeat Example: Connector Server Reaction
  1. Start the agent in debug mode on another host or in another terminal window with the following command:

    $ java -classpath classpath -DLEVEL_DEBUG Agent
  2. Wait for the agent to be completely initialized, then start the Client application again:

    $ java -classpath classpath Client hostname 1099

    When the connection is established, the periodic heartbeat messages are displayed in the debug output of the agent.

  3. This time, press Control-C in the client's window to stop the connector client and the manager application.

    This simulates a broken communication channel as seen by the connector server in the agent.

    After the heartbeat retry timeout elapses in the agent, the lost connection message is displayed in the heartbeat debugging output of the agent.

  4. Type Control-C in the agent window to stop the agent application and end the example.