Java Dynamic Management Kit 5.0 Tutorial

Accessing Roles

Once you have a relation identifier, you will probably want to access its role values. The relation service provides getters and setters for roles, as well as bulk operations to get or set several or all roles in a relation. Remember that the value of a role is a list of MBeans, and a role is identified by a name string.

Input parameters to setter operations are the same Role and RoleList classes that are used to create relations. Bulk getters and setters return a RoleResult object that contains separate lists for successful and failed individual role operations.

Inside a role result, the list of roles and values that were successfully accessed are given in a RoleList instance. The information about roles that could not be read or written is returned in a RoleUnresolvedList. This list contains RoleUnresolved objects that name the role that could not be accessed and an error code explaining the reason, such as an invalid role name or the wrong cardinality for a role. The error codes are defined as static final fields in the RoleStatus class.