Java Dynamic Management Kit 5.0 Tutorial

Creating Relations

Now that we have defined a relation type, we can use it as a template for creating a relation. A relation is a set of roles that fulfills all of the role information of the relation type. The Role object contains a role name and value which is the list of MBeans that fulfills the role. The RoleList object contains the set of roles used when setting a relation or getting its role values.

In order to create a relation we must provide a set of roles whose values will initialize the relation correctly. In our example we use an existing SimpleStandard MBean in each role that we have defined. Their object names are added to the value list for each role. Then each Role object is added to the role list.

Example 15–5 Initializing Role Objects and Creating a Relation

[...] // define object names and create SimpleStandard MBeans

// Instantiate the roles using the object names of the MBeans
ArrayList role1Value = new ArrayList();
Role role1 = new Role(role1Name, role1Value);

ArrayList role2Value = new ArrayList();
Role role2 = new Role(role2Name, role2Value);

RoleList roleList1 = new RoleList();

String relId1 = relTypeName + "_instance";

try {
    Object[] params = new Object[3];
    params[0] = relId1;
    params[1] = relTypeName;
    params[2] = roleList1;
    String[] signature = new String[3];
    signature[0] = "java.lang.String";
    signature[1] = "java.lang.String";
    signature[2] = "";
    server.invoke(theRelServObjName, "createRelation",
                  params, signature);
} catch(Exception e) {
    echo("\tCould not create the relation " + RelId1);

The createRelation method will raise an exception if the provided roles do not fulfill the specified relation type. You can omit Role objects for roles that allow a cardinality of 0; their values will be initialized with an empty list of object names. The relation service will check all provided object names to ensure they are registered with the MBean server. Also, the relation identifier name is a string that must be unique among all relations in the service.

The corresponding removeRelation method is also exposed for management operations. It is also called internally to keep all relations coherent, as described in Maintaining Consistency. In both cases, removing a relation means that you can no longer access it through the relation service, and the isRelation operation will return false when given its relation identifier. Also, its participating MBeans will no longer be associated through the roles in which they belonged. The MBeans continue to exist unaltered otherwise and can continue to participate in other relations.