Java Dynamic Management Kit 5.0 Tutorial

Using an InetAddressAcl Trap Group

The methods below were used in Example 18–4 to send SNMPv1 and v3 traps. They are presented here with their SNMPv2 equivalent (see the Javadoc API for a description of the parameters).

Using these methods, you must first define the trap group in an InetAddressAcl. See IP-Based Access Control Lists for a formal definition of the trap group and instructions for defining the InetAddressAcl file when starting the agent. By default, these lists are file-based, but you can implement other mechanisms, as described in Custom Access Control.

In this example, we provide the following template file:

Example 18–7 Trap Group of the jdmk.acl File

acl = {

trap = {
  trap-community = public
  hosts = yourmanager

The trap group lists all the hosts to which the SNMP protocol adaptor sends every trap. A community definition associates a community name with a list of hosts specified either by one of the following identifiers:


The name of the host

IP v4 and IPv6 address

For example, 123.456.789.12 for IPv4, and fe80::a00:20ff:fe9b:ea82 for IPv6

IPv4 and IPv6 netmask prefix notation

For example, 123.456.789.12/24 for IPv4, and fe80::a00:20ff:fe9b:ea82/64 for IPv6

All hosts in a community definition receive the trap in a PDU identified by the community name.

Note –

Because access control and trap recipients share the same file, you must fully define the access control when you want to send traps using the InetAddressAcl mechanism.

Given this definition, traps are sent to a host called yourmanager, and the community string of the trap PDU would contain the value public. By adding community definitions to this file, you can specify all hosts that will receive traps along with the community string for each host or group of hosts.

Note –

SNMPv3 does not use the community string to identify destinations. Only use the manager's IP address when creating an SNMPv3 trap group, or the contextName to define the scope of the requests sent.

If the InetAddressAcl file is not defined, or if the trap group is empty, the default behavior of these methods is to send a trap only to the local host.