Java Dynamic Management Kit 5.0 Tutorial

Synchronous SNMPv3 Managers

The example synchronous manager application created for SNMPv3 is similar to the SNMPv1/v2 manager, except that it implements SNMPv3 user-based USM mechanisms before making requests.

Example 19–3 SNMPv3 SyncManagerV3 Example

The SyncManagerV3 example is in the examplesDir/Snmp/Manager directory.

			//Read the command line parameters
        final String host = argv[0];
        final String port = argv[1];

        // Initialize trace property. 
        try {
     		 // Initialize the SNMP Manager API.
            final SnmpOidTableSupport oidTable = new RFC1213_MIBOidTable();
      		// Build the session.
			    try {
						session= new SnmpSession("SyncManagerV3 session");
	   			 }catch(SnmpStatusException e) {
	    		catch(IllegalArgumentException e) {
				// If the engine configuration is faulty 
	    		// Access the SNMPv3 engine using getEngine
	   			final SnmpEngine engine = session.getEngine();
	    		// Create an SnmpUsmPeer object
			   final SnmpUsmPeer agent = 
				new SnmpUsmPeer(engine, host, Integer.parseInt(port));
	    		// Create USM parameters
			   final SnmpUsmParameters p = 
				new SnmpUsmParameters(engine, "defaultUser");
	    		// Set the security level 

	    		// Contextualize the send request

	    		// Set the contextEngineId discovered by the peer upon 
				// creation
	    		// Associate the parameter with the agent.
	    		// Discover time of creation and boot
	    		// Associate a default peer (agent) to an SnmpSession.

	    		// Create a taskServer for processing traps (optional)
	    	    final DaemonTaskServer taskServer = new DaemonTaskServer();
	    		// Create a listener and dispatcher for SNMP traps 
	    		final SnmpEventReportDispatcher trapAgent =
				new SnmpEventReportDispatcher(engine, 
					      Integer.parseInt(port) + 1, 
					      taskServer, null);
	    		trapAgent.addTrapListener(new TrapListenerImpl());
           	final Thread trapThread = new Thread(trapAgent);
	    		// Build the list of variables you want to query
	    		final SnmpVarBindList list = 
				new SnmpVarBindList("SyncManagerV3 varbind list");
	    		// Read the "sysDescr" variable
	    		// Make the SNMP get request and wait for the result
	    		final SnmpRequest request = 
				session.snmpGetRequest(null, list);
	   			println("SyncManagerV3::main:" +
				    "Send get request to SNMP agent on " + host + 
				    " at port " + port);
			   final boolean completed = request.waitForCompletion(10000);
	    		// Check for a timeout
            if (completed == false) {
                println("SyncManagerV3::main:" + 
						" Request timed out. Check if agent  
						  can be reached");
                // Print request.
                println("Request: " + request.toString());
            // Check the response for errors 
            final int errorStatus = request.getErrorStatus();
            if (errorStatus != SnmpDefinitions.snmpRspNoError) {
                println("Error status = " + 
                println("Error index = " + 
            // Display the result.
            final SnmpVarBindList result = request.getResponseVarBindList();
            println("Result: \n" + result);

            // End the session

The first instantiated session creates an engine. This engine can be accessed using the getEngine method. To avoid excessive engine creation for each instantiated session, the first engine can be shared between SNMP session objects. Whilst sharing is possible, it should be avoided. It represents an unnecessary increase in overhead and limits the security possibilities because only one security file can be associated with an engine.

The engine is used by all the other classes in the application programming interface (API) to access the USM configuration, contained in the file associated with that session. In Example 19–3, when the peer p is created, it discovers its engineId, and then uses it as the SNMPv3 ContextEngineId. When the request is sent, this engine ID is included as a parameter by setContextEngineId.

In this example, the level of security is set as authentication without privacy. Consequently, this level of security is applied to all the requests between this manager and the peers associated with it, via the security parameters. This level of security must match the level specified in the engine's file.

It is also possible to access MIBs that have been registered in the scope of a context (see Binding the MIB MBeans for details of contextualized MIBs). In this example, the context TEST-CONTEXT is used, and is set as a parameter in the request by setContextName.

Finally, before sending any requests, if authentication is activated, the timeliness parameters of the request are discovered, using processUsmTimelinessDiscovery.