Sun Management Center 4.0 Installation and Configuration Guide

Trap Filter Specification

Trap filters are specified as a list of criteria, which can be either a series of numerical OID prefixes or a series of these mnemonic trap names:

The trap name sunmcTraps represents the OID prefix for all Sun Management Center enterprise-specific traps, and the trap name snmpTraps represents the OID prefix for all the standard traps defined in the SNMP RFCs.

Trap filters can be either positive or negative. A positive filter specifies which traps to send. A negative filter specifies which traps should not be sent. A negative filter is defined by specifying NOT as the first criterion.

For example, to forward only standard SNMP traps to the secondary trap destination, specify the filter as -f "snmpTraps".

To forward all traps except Sun Management Center enterprise-specific traps to the secondary trap destination, specify the filter as -f "NOT sunmcTraps".

Note –

Filter specifications that contain spaces must be enclosed in quotation marks to prevent misinterpretation by the shell.

The following command adds machine02:162 as a secondary trap destination that only receives warmStart and coldStart traps for the Sun Management Center agent:

es-trapdest -a machine02:162 -f "warmStart coldStart"