A P P E N D I X  F

Sun Netra CP3020 Blade Server Sensor Map and Fault Isolation

This appendix defines the sensors for the Sun Netra CP3020 blade server.

Sun Netra CP3020 Blade Server Sensor List

The Sun Netra CP3020 sensor numbers and names are reported by the on-blade server H8 chip.

TABLE F-1 Sun Netra CP3020 Blade Server Sensors

Sensor Number




Fault Condition
if Sensor Out of Limit


FRU 0 Hot Swap

Discrete (0x6f), "Hot Swap" (0xf0)

Hot swap for blade server FRU



RTM Hot Swap

Discrete(0x6F), Hotswap(0xf0)

Hotswap sensor for RTM



IPMB Physical

Discrete (0x6f), "IPMB Link" (0xf1)

Link Status of IPMB

No reply from IPMB (A or B). State of IPMB A or B bus is reported by monitoring the READY signal on the IPMB isolator.


BMC Watchdog

Discrete (0x6f), "Watchdog 2" (0x23)

Watchdog state of BMC



CPU Tcontrol (Max Normal Value = 70)

Threshold (0x01), "Temperature" (0x01)

Blade server temperature: Case temperature of Opteron CPU. Device =ADM 1026, U153 pin 25/26

IPMB isolator not ready. If this temperature goes above 75C, the H8 will shut down all power supplies and turn on the front panel OOS LED.


Blade Server Inlet Temp

Threshold (0x01), "Temperature" (0x01)

Bblade server temperature: Ambient @ blade server inlet. Sensor located @ bottom edge of blade server near power brick. Device =ADM 1026, U153 pin 27/28

If this temperature goes above 60C, the H8 will shut down all power supplies and turn on the front panel OOS LED.


ADM Internal Temp

Threshold (0x01), "Temperature" (0x01)

Blade server temperature: Ambient temp @ blade server exit. Device =ADM 1026, U153 Internal

If this temperature goes above 68C, the H8 will shut down all power supplies and all front panel LEDs are turned off.


+12.0V Run

Threshold (0x01), "Voltage" (0x02)

Voltage measurement of +12.0V power rail Device =ADM 1026, U153 pin 32

If this voltage is out of spec all other power rails will fail (Except STBY). Blade server and the RTM will not function. The H8 will be alive if 3.3V STBY is present and in spec. This rail is the power source for all DC/DC converters


-12.0V Run

Threshold (0x01), "Voltage" (0x02)

Voltage measurement of -12.0V power rail Device =ADM 1026, U153 pin 31

This is the -12V power rail to the PMC slots. If this voltage is out of spec any installed PMC may not function.


VCC 5.0V Run

Threshold (0x01), "Voltage" (0x02)

Voltage measurement of 5.0V power rail. Device =ADM 1026, U153 pin 30

This voltage is one of the power sources for the memory VRM, 1.2V converter, PMC cards, BIOS chip, SAS HDD’s, and ethernet. If this rail is out of spec the blade server will not function. The H8 will be alive if 3.3V STBY is present and in spec


+3.3V Run

Threshold (0x01), "Voltage" (0x02)

Voltage measurement of 3.3V power rail. Device =ADM 1026, U153 pin 7

This voltage is one of the power sources for the processor, 8132 I/O, pull-up resistors, and reset logic. If this rail is out of spec the Blade server will not function. The H8 will be alive if 3.3V STBY is present and in spec


+3.3V ALW

Threshold (0x01), "Voltage" (0x02)

Voltage measurement of 3.3V STBY power rail. Device =ADM 1026, U153 pin 22

If this voltage is out of spec Blade server and the H8 will not function. This rail is the power source for most of the components on the blade server including all I2C devices and the H8.



Threshold (0x01), "Voltage" (0x02)

Voltage measurement of 3.0 VBAT power rail. Device =ADM 1026, U153 pin 29

If this voltage is out of spec or goes to zero, the on blade server battery is bad or missing. The battery is not required for normal operation of the blade server while installed in the chassis and the -48V power source is applied. The function of the battery is for back up power to the CMOS and RTC when input power is removed or blade server is removed from the chassis..


VDD Core Run

Threshold (0x01), "Voltage" (0x02)

Voltage measurement of VCC 1.15V M Dual power rail (3.3V run + 3.3V STBY). Device =ADM 1026, U153 pin 33

This voltage is one of the power sources for the processor. If this rail is out of spec the blade server will not function. The H8 will be alive if 3.3V STBY is present and in spec.


VCC 1.8V Dual

Threshold (0x01), "Voltage" (0x02)

Voltage measurement of 1.8V CPU power rail. Device =ADM 1026, U153 pin 34

This voltage is one of the power sources for the AMD 8111 I/O Hub. If this rail is out of spec the blade server will not function. The H8 will be alive if 3.3V STBY is present and in spec



Threshold (0x01), "Voltage" (0x02)

Voltage measurement of VCC 1.3V power rail. Device =ADM 1026, U153 pin35

This power rail provides termination voltage for main memory. If this rail is out of spec the blade server will not function. The H8 will be alive if 3.3V STBY is present and in spec


VCC 1.2V Run

Threshold (0x01), "Voltage" (0x02)

Voltage measurement of VCC 1.2V power rail. Device =ADM 1026, U153 pin 36

This voltage is one of the power sources for the processor, the the 1064 SAS controller and provides power to various pull-ups. If this rail is out of spec the blade server will not function. The H8 will be alive if 3.3V STBY is present and in spec



Threshold (0x01), "Voltage" (0x02)

Voltage measurement of VCC 5V Always power rail (sensor reads 1/2 value but F/W reports 2X sensor read value). Device =ADM 1026, U153 pin 38

This power rail enables the 5V & 3.3 run rails as well as ref V to several POKs. If this voltage is out of spec or goes to zero, blade server will not function. The H8 will be alive if 3.3V STBY is present and in spec.


VDD 2.5V PU Run

Threshold (0x01), "Voltage" (0x02)

Voltage measurement of VDD 2.5V Run power rail. Device =ADM 1026, U153 pin39

This power rail provides termination voltage for several critical processor signals. If this rail is out of spec the blade server might not function. The H8 will be alive if 3.3V STBY is present and in spec


DDR VDD 2.6V Run

Threshold (0x01), "Voltage" (0x02)

Voltage measurement of 2.6 V power rail. Device =ADM 1026, U153 pin 40

This voltage is one of the power sources for the CPU memory controller and memory. If this rail is out of spec the memory will not function. The H8 will be alive if 3.3V STBY is present and in spec


VCC 1V8 Run

Threshold (0x01), "Voltage" (0x02)

Voltage measurement of VCC 1.8V Run power rail. Device =ADM 1026, U153 pin 41

This voltage is one of the power sources for the AMD8111 I/O hub. If this rail is out of spec the blade server will not function. The H8 will be alive if 3.3V STBY is present and in spec


System Event

Discrete (0x6f), "System Event" (0x12)


This sensor reports IPMC reset event to ShMM. This sensor lets NetConsole application know that IPMC has taken a reset and the NetConsole session has to be restarted.


RTM Presence

Discrete (0x6f), "Entity Presence" (0x25)


This sensor indicates the presence of an RTM.


Version Change

Discrete (0x6f), "Reserved" (0x2b)
Belongs to entity:
(0x3, 96) [FRU # 0]


IPMC reports event after the FW update/cold reset.

FIGURE F-1 Netra CP3020 Voltage Distribution and H8 Sensor Mapping

Figure showing Sun Netra CP3020 blade server voltage distribution and H8 sensor mapping.

FIGURE F-2 Sun Netra CP3020 Blade Server and RTM Temperature Monitoring and H8 Sensor Mapping

Figure showing Sun Netra CP3020 blade server and RTM temperature monitoring and H8 sensor mapping.