Calendar Express 5.0 New Features

New Features for Calendar Express 5.0

There are several new features in the Calendar Express 5.0 release that can help you to be more productive when using your calendar. With Calendar Express 5.0 you can:

  • Perform text-based searches for events and tasks

  • Print a view of your calendar

  • View a series of meeting invitations for a recurring event that are compressed under a single meeting header

  • Look up calendar users from the user/group directory server when creating events. The Corporate Directory Lookup allows you to:

    - Have Web-based access to search a corporate (LDAP) directory for invitees by their name, user id or resource

    - Have a one click selection of invitees

  • Export your calendar data in iCalendar or XML formats

  • Double book calendar appointments (if this setting is enabled by your administrator)

  • Use the Reminder Page to add a checkbox reminder for yourself

    If the reminder checkbox in the Options tab is set and your email address is entered, then your email address will be automatically entered in the reminder field each time you set a reminder for an event. This allows you to just check a box to receive a meeting reminder when setting up an event instead of entering your own email address.

  • Publish your calendar URL on the web and give other Calendar Express users this URL for your calendar

With Calendar Express scheduling you can:

  • Invite others to events

    You can create an event that invites other attendees and these attendees can accept or decline your invitation. The attendees are typically people on the same calendar server, but this is not an absolute requirement. If an Attendee is not on the calendar server, the scheduling message (a request, reply, and so forth) is sent via email. This allows you to schedule events with Outlook users.

  • Accept or Decline all invitations when viewing the Invitations/Tasks box. This allows for:

    - One button click for accepting or declining of all open meeting invitations

    - One time acknowledgement for recurring meeting invitations

  • Put invitations directly into a calendar, or send them via email

  • Check the Free/Busy time for multiple calendars

    This can help with group scheduling by showing side-by-side (comparison) views for a set of calendars.

  • Schedule and manage conference rooms, overhead projectors, and other resources. Each resource can be associated with its own calendar.

  • Schedule On-Behalf-of-Owner

    As an owner of a calendar you can specify another user as an owner that can act on behalf of you. For example, an executive can designate an administrative assistant as an owner, allowing the assistant to have complete access to all of the executive's calendars or any set of chosen calendars. The administrative assistant can create meetings and accept or decline meetings on behalf of the executive. The executive can also decide whether or not to give access to a personal calendar.

Copyright © 2001 Sun Microsystems, Inc. Some preexisting portions Copyright © 2001 Netscape Communications Corp. All rights reserved.

Last Updated July 11, 2001