Sun Identity Manager 8.1 Release Notes

Upgrade Paths and Support Policies

This section provides information about the upgrade paths you should follow when upgrading Identity Manager, and describes Identity Manager’s End of Service Life (EOSL) policy for the products software support.

Identity Manager Upgrade Paths

Use the following to determine the upgrade path you must follow when upgrading to a newer version of Identity Manager.

Note –

Upgrading to the latest version of Identity Manager is recommended. When you upgrade to the latest software release, you get the latest new features, bug fixes, and supported resource versions.

Current Identity Manager Version 

Target Identity Manager Version 



7.1 Update 1 



2005Q4M3 (6.0) 



7.1 > 7.1 Update 1 

7.1 > 8.0 

7.1 > 8.1 

Identity Manager 7.0 



7.1 > 7.1 Update 1 



Identity Manager 7.1 


7.1 Update 1 



Identity Manager 7.1.1 




Identity Manager 8.0 



Note –

Updates to the Identity Manager documentation are provided as follows:

End of Service Life for Software Support

During the End of Service Life (EOSL) period, Identity Manager software support is offered in two phases:

Note –

The length of the Full Support Phase varies by product.

Full Support Phase

During the Full Support Phase (Phase 1), Sun Microsystems, Inc. provides software support in accordance with the customer’s support contract with Sun (including the applicable Service Listing) as set forth at:

However, when a software product’s EOL date is announced, customers will no longer have access to software updates and upgrades for that software product.

Limited Support Phase

During the Limited Support Phase (Phase 2), Sun Microsystems, Inc. provides software support in accordance with the customer’s support contract with Sun (including the applicable Service Listing) as set forth at:

However, customers are not entitled to submit bugs or to receive new patches from Sun Microsystems, Inc. As with Full Support Phase, after the software product’s announced EOL date, customers will no longer have access to software updates and upgrades for that software product.

The following table provides information about the Phase 1 and Phase 2 (EOSL) end dates for older versions of Identity Manager.

Product Name 

Product Status 

Last Ship Date 

Phase 1(Full Support)End Date 

Phase 2(Limited Support)End Date  

EOL Announcement 

Sun Java System Identity Manager 7.1.1 

Post RR 

May 15, 2009 

May 15, 2010 

May 2014 

Nov. 11, 2008 

Sun Java System Identity Manager 7.1 

Post RR 

May 15, 2009 

May 15, 2010 

May 2014 

Nov. 11, 2008 

Sun Java System Identity Manager 7.0 

Post RR 

May 15, 2009 

May 15, 2010 

May 2014 

Nov. 11, 2008 

Sun Java System Identity Manager 6.0 2005Q4 


May 25, 2007 

May 25, 2008 

May 2012 

Nov. 20, 2006 

Sun Java System Identity Auditor 1.0 2005Q1 


Feb. 2, 2007 

Feb. 2008 

Feb. 2012 

Aug. 1, 2006 

Sun Java System Identity Manager Service Provider Edition 1.0 2005Q3 


Feb. 2, 2007 

Feb. 2008 

Feb. 2012 

Aug. 1, 2006 

Sun Java System Identity Manager 5.0 2004Q3 


Aug. 11, 2006 

Aug. 2007 

Aug. 2011 

Feb. 7, 2006 

Sun Java System Identity Manager 5.0 SPx 2004Q3


Aug. 11, 2006 

Aug. 2007 

Aug. 2011 

Feb. 7, 2006 

Sun Java System Identity Manager 5.5 


Aug. 11, 2006 

Aug. 2007 

Aug. 2011 

Feb. 7, 2006 

Waveset Lighthouse 4.1 


March 2006 

March 2010 


Identity Manager Deprecation Policy

See Identity Manager Deprecation Policy in Sun Identity Manager 8.1 Upgrade for a complete description of the Identity Manager deprecation policy for removing interfaces or changing behaviors.