Sun Identity Manager 8.1 Release Notes

Specifying the Profiler Options

The Profiler Options dialog consists of the following tabs:

Use the options on these tabs to indicate which objects to profile and which elements to display in the profile.

After specifying the Profiler options, click OK to start the Profiler. Depending on your project configuration, the Profiler does one of two things:

Note –

You can select IdM -> Set Identity Manager Instance to control the Identity Manager Instance action for the project.


The Mode tab provides the following options:

IDM Object Filters

The IDM Object Filters tab provides the following options:

Java Filters

Select the Java Filters tab to

Java filters are given in terms of method patterns, and they are expressed in patterns that include or exclude based on canonical method name. Where a canonical method name is:

fully-qualified-class-name.method-name(parameter-type-1, parameter-type-2, ...)

Note –

For constructors, method-name is <init>.

Here are a few examples:

Note –

The last two examples are currently equivalent because the filters are applied only to your custom classes and Identity Manager classes.

If necessary, you can instrument other jars by modifying the following lines in build.xml as appropriate. For example,

<instrument todir="${lighthouse-dir-profiler}/WEB-INF" 
verbose="${instrumentor.verbose}" includeMethods="${profiler.includes}" 
           <fileset dir="${lighthouse-dir}/WEB-INF">
               <include name="lib/idm*.jar"/>
               <include name="classes/**/*.class"/>

By default, the configuration includes all your custom classes and most Identity Manager classes. A number of Identity Manager classes are forcibly excluded— because enabling them would break the Profiler.

For example, classes from the workflow, forms, and XPRESS engines are excluded or the Profiler would produce an unintelligible snapshot when profiling Java and Identity Manager objects.

Note that Java filters provide much more filtering granularity than IDM Object Filters. Java instrumentation adds significant overhead to the execution time, which can drastically skew the profiling results. Because Identity Manager objects are interpreted rather than compiled, the instrumentation overhead is negligible. So for example, there is basically no reason to exclude workflow A and include workflow B, and so forth.

Note –

You cannot modify Java filters while the Profiler is running. You must stop the Profiler before changing Java filters.


The Miscellaneous tab provides the following options: